Thursday, January 10, 2013

Museum of Television promises a delight for the senses for TV fans

The Southfork mailbox. The painting of Constance Colby from "The Colbys." An oil painting of Alexis Colby from her penthouse. Some jewels that she wore, as well as jewelry worn by Krystle Carrington. The cowboy hats of both J.R. and Bobby Ewing. A Ewing license plate.

They're all pieces from the collection of one man, James Comisar, and soon they'll be on display for all the world to see, along with about 5,000 other original television artifacts. Sounds like nothing short of nirvana to us. It's the vision of the Museum of Television, now raising cash to open in the next few years. Visit the museum's site to read more about this vision (and we know -- because we've searched -- there's just nothing like this out there right now, a museum devoted to television). See in particular what they've got for the '80s archive.

We absolutely love these words, from the museum's About Us page, because it says so much of what we're aiming to get at in our own BRBTV About page:

Life without television is basically unknown to most of us, and TV is affixed to American culture as a root is to a tree. What we learn when we look closely at the development of television programming and technology is not a distant tale that has no connection to contemporary American life, but rather it is the story of the past four generations of Americans; it is our story; it is our lives of which we see a reflection. For the first time in history, there are now more TVs than people in American homes, mind boggling new technology, and an even wider availability of television programming.  Where it will go from here is yet to be seen, but one thing is for certain: In one form or another, television is here to stay and it will continue to be the story of an unknown number of future generations.

The Phoenix Business Journal covered the museum plans in October and offers a great rundown of logistics in their story. The museum will be about 50,000 square feet, Comisar said, and cost about $35 million to build.

We here at BRBTV advise you to donate now and donate often!!! We will just love seeing this project up and running.

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