Tuesday, September 08, 2020

Terrific TV Toys: Batgirl figures from "DC Super Hero Girls," part 2!

Last month on Terrific TV Toys, we showed you some Batgirl dolls / figures from the "DC Super Hero Girls" web / TV series, the original incarnation. Now, we look at a couple more dolls, but we're bringing it more up to date with the version of the show that's currently airing on the Cartoon Network. This second incarnation of "Super Hero Girls" is savvy, smart, and the little jokes and quirks roll by quick, so you've got to pay attention! (Maybe that's if you're an adult -- kids probably get it much better!)


Wendy said...

I'm not always a fan of when they make characters more "cutesy", but I'll give credit where credit is due -- this particular line of gals is SO cute! They really did a terrific job of keeping the integrity of the costumes while also making them unique, and the girls super sweet looking and fun.

BRBTV.com said...

Yes, they sure did, and the TV show is really adorable!