Thursday, September 01, 2022

"Dynasty" goodies shine in this Norway museum

This museum in Norway may boast an array of pop-cultural items, but our eyes are all a-ga-ga over the "Dynasty" items. These photos come from our friend Bjørn, who always sends us such great "Dynasty" stuff. (See the July 30, 2021, July 3, 2018 and May 21, 2018 posts, for instance!)

"The museum is called Antonius Groenings Snurrepiperi museum," Bjørn tells BRBTV. "A local inventor and rumoured time traveler. We have built his office and time machine. The museum is located one hour outside Oslo, in Aurskog Mall, and is open on request, with guided tours available. Lots of costumes, props, vintage toys, Disney animation,  etc. etc. I'm sure u recognize stuff. ;) Had a few American visitors already, saying it was great. ;) A shop full of vintage NIB items as well. ;)" 

The museum includes a Michael Jackson display, and these are original items, such as clothing the pop star actually wore. Bjørn says that BRBTV's "Dynasty High" book is displayed, too -- super-cool!

What a breathtaking collection! Thanks, Bjørn, for sharing it with us!

Photos courtesy of Bjørn; please do not copy without permission.

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