Friday, January 12, 2024

Feel like doing a little adventuring? Hop along on this new playlist

Traveling is the spice of life, right, kinda like variety? Going to new places, if only for a week or even a day, broadens one's horizons, gives a glimpse of another kind of life or another culture. This author believes that we are truly blessed any time we have the opportunity to travel, and I've been blessed to do my fair share of it over the years. I was digging through some video recently (see previous posts!) and realized I have a lot of great little clips from various places I've been. I really need to share that, I was thinking. But when would I find the time? Oh, maybe here and there, in-between other projects. Anyway, I'm starting to load some of these video clips onto my secondary YouTube channel, and I'll be dropping them on Friday mornings. Not every Friday -- maybe once or twice a month? With the exception of one (the 1996 trip to Egypt, dropping next month) they will all be my own original video. The first one, a soldier reenactment from a visit to the Historic Fort Wayne in Detroit, is here:

The playlist is called "Let's Go Adventuring!" and it will be all raw video, right out of the camera -- no fancy tricks or gadgets or theme music or whatever. Just clips, to help you feel as if you are the one walking through the locale yourself. It's a vicarious sort of thing, ya know? 

So please go like and subscribe, and come along adventuring with me! 

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