Sunday, March 03, 2019

Snagged this weekend: An assortment of "Dallas" cars

Who knows if any of these vehicles were ever seen in the original "Dallas" TV series; they don't seem to have been. But maybe they are a bit "reminiscent" of some actual "Dallas" vehicles, like Bobby's little Mercedes convertible, or Jock's Lincoln, or Ray's pickup truck. Whatever. They've got the "Dallas" name on them, and they were purchased this weekend by our buddy Mike.

These diecast Matchbox-sized cars are by Majorette and are from 1981.There are even more in the series than what's pictured here. There's a Ewing Oil helicopter, extra-long Ewing Oil tanker truck, tractor with trailer and more. This is not the same line as what Greenlight Hollywood released a couple years ago, from which BRBTV has a blue pickup truck.

Photo courtesy of Mike; please do not copy without permission.


Robin said...

Greenlight has also released Pam's car and Sue Ellen's car. said...

Cool -- thanks!