Monday, February 03, 2020

Pssst ... the "Terrific TV Toys" series is moving

If you're a YouTuber, you know about the new rules announced a few months back and enacted with the new calendar year regarding content for kids. With the new labeling and classifications and the changes in features that go along with them, the environment has changed for a lot of YouTube content creators, especially those who do what we do here at BRBTV. We highlight fun geeky collectibles that are not necessarily for kids (more often than not, these items are adult, highly breakable and sometimes rather expensive collectibles, for instance). Us creators in that category are caught in the middle of the two audience sectors, according to the artificial intelligence that's being utilized, and can be under the threat of harsh fines if found in violation of the new standards. Anyway, that's a long explanation for the fact that BRBTV has chosen to move its first collectibles series, "Terrific TV Toys," to a new platform, Facebook.

One by one, we've been uploading the episodes from the very beginning in 2014, so you'll get the entire T3 series at this new page. "Batman," "Star Trek," "Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!," "The Six Million Dollar Man," "The Twilight Zone," "Underdog," and so many more ... the gang is all here, or will be all here, once everything is loaded. Plus, you'll see fun posts related to TV-related collectibles from all over Facebook and the web. It's shaping up nicely, and we'd love to have you join in the fun!!!

Hop on over to the Facebook page for Terrific TV Toys!


Jasonduke360 said...

This is a sad day. I'm holding out about joining Facebook you know that. Maybe someday you will see me there. Godspeed. said...

Aww, thanks. I appreciate your support!