Tuesday, January 29, 2008

"Dukes," "Dukes" and more "Dukes" (did we mention "Dukes"?)

"The Dukes of Hazzard" is alive and well, on the web, and represented in several ways in today's post of the BRBTV News Blog.

First up, it's a handsome photo (is there any other kind?) of our buddy Bo Duke, Mr. John Schneider. (Oh, wait -- there's a story there, too! About racecar driver Mario Dominguez and how he met the owner of his "dream car.") See it all here:

Rosco P. Coltrane, meanwhile, aka Mr. James Best, generated his own ink over in Canton, Ohio, when he made an appearance there:
(Just what's with that Orlando thing, anyway?)

And the next item is on Jessica Simpson. Now the lovely Ms. Simpson hasn't really made any appearances on this news blog, but hey, we can't penalize her for being in a movie that wasn't terribly well-received. She still is part of "Dukes" lore, in her own way:

And finally, related to the above item, you do have a chance to "catch" the above-mentioned movie, as USA Network puts it ("Catch the Dukes -- even if the cops can't!"). They will air the 2005 remake movie "The Dukes of Hazzard" for three nights in a row, beginning February 8.

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