Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Terrific TV Toys: Mary Ellen Walton and the glorious grab bag, Mego+, 1970s

Have you ever experienced the joy of a grab bag??? Call this experience grab bag "lite," because this bag you can actually see through, so you can get an idea what's in it! And though it may not be quite as daring as a grab bag you can't see through, it is thoroughly thrilling, nonetheless! 

The reason I grabbed up this one at a toy show in Metro Detroit last fall was the little gal in the red and green plaid dress. Yes, that's Mary Ellen Walton -- and that's even Mary Ellen Walton times two! An heir and a spare, so to speak. It was my buddy Jim Wilson in Canada that I was thinking about. He loves "The Waltons," and before now he has never owned any of the wonderful Mego figures released for the series back in the 1970s. Well, now he does -- the better one of the two! The other goes on the BRBTV shelves. So what else is in that wonderful bag! Just behold ...

See what else is on the Terrific TV Toys playlist.

Sunday, March 02, 2025

Six Feet Under Hollywood: The Lost Grave of Andy Williams

His signature hit was "Moon River," but did you know that his ashes were scattered on Moon River, in a manner of speaking? The Six Feet Under Hollywood blog walks through the interesting grave of famed crooner Andy Williams in this latest installment …

 Six Feet Under Hollywood: The Lost Grave of Andy Williams:   "I still don't think I'm as good as anyone else." Every now and then in my research, I come across a grave so unique tha...

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Terrific non-TV Toys: Uncle Sam's 3 Coin Register Bank, Western Stamping Corp., 1970s

This week on "Terrific non-TV Toys," a crazy thing this author dug out of storage, an item that was pretty beloved when I was a kid. Do you remember these? Ever have one? The history of this item actually goes back further than you think.

See the other episodes in the Terrific non-TV Toys series.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Terrific TV Toys: Welcome back to my life, Kotter!!

Welcome back ... your dreams were your ticket out. Welcome back ... to that same old place that you laughed about ...

From the first "Oooo! Oooo! Oooo!" of Horshack to the last "Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-barino" of Vinnie, the mid-'70s sitcom "Welcome Back, Kotter" was a smashing success. And it was rather smashing to rewatch the series on Tubi a few months ago. In fact, this author was so smashed by it that I had to do an episode of Terrific TV Toys dedicated to it, so I went to eBay and bought something "Kotter"! It's a patch that you can sew onto a piece of clothing -- remember when those were popular? It's evidently vintage, and I chose my favorite Sweathog of the four to grace it. You'll find out which Sweathog that was, and you'll see some great reading materials, in the latest T3 episode. As a kid I also had some "Welcome Back, Kotter" comics, and I bought one of the novelizations of the show in later years.

We're off to a rousing start for the 12th big season of the series! See everything on the T3 playlist.

Wednesday, January 08, 2025

Terrific non-TV Toys: Peanuts 50th anniversary kids' meal toys, Wendy's, 2000

A spinning top, a jigsaw puzzle and a few other tricks -- none needing batteries, thankfully! In the first episode of the eighth season of Terrific non-TV Toys, you get a quick look at a couple toys from each of two sets released by Wendy's in 2000 for their popular Kids' Meals. One is branded for the 50th anniversary of Peanuts, which of course first hit our pop culture back in 1950. The other set is simply called "Snoopy 2000." What kind of gizmos do these fast-food toys include? Tune in and see this author whip them across the room (kinda) ...

See the other episodes in the Terrific non-TV Toys series.

Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Happy New Year! Here's the updated episode guide to the two BRBTV collectibles series

We're off to a new year again, already??? Great -- let's go.

And as we look forward to new seasons for both of the BRBTV collectibles series, Terrific TV Toys and Terrific non-TV Toys, here is your recap of this past season's episodes. Have you checked out the T3 Facebook page? If not, head on over there and share the love of these toys related to our beloved classic TV shows. T3 also has a Pinterest page, so check that out, too!

And remember that you can catch other great videos on the BRBTV YouTube channel, plus subscribe to this author's secondary YouTube channel to see interviews, acting clips, and crazy stuff like 1990s episodes of local TV shows!

Season 1

May 2025 be blessed for you and your family!

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Just Beneath the Surface (Episode 14) -- "The Masks" episode of classic "Twilight Zone"

A new study of one of Rod Serling's magnificent studies of human nature, more specifically the classic "Twilight Zone" episode "The Masks," one of the "TZ" eps that this author has actually seen quite a few times. That's interesting, given the fact that every time I flip through the channels and see that Syfy is having another "TZ" marathon, like over a holiday weekend, an episode manages to appear that I have never seen! Now how does that happen, when it's one of my all-time favorite shows??? That alone is a "Twilight Zone" thing. 

Anyway, I do digress! In the latest episode of the Just Beneath the Surface series hosts Brian and Bruce dive into  (yes!) the greed, the selfishness, the pretenses (hello, Facebook!!!!!), the masks we all wear, the not-so-gentle allegory that Serling was so well-known for, which shines in this "TZ" story. As always, Serling has something to say that transcends the decades.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Terrific TV Toys: "A Charlie Brown Christmas" board game, 2018

The true meaning of Christmas is something that is front-and-center in the 1960s "Charlie Brown Christmas" TV special, the first in a long line of successful animated small-screen features for Snoopy and the gang. The true meaning of Christmas is also an important element of a sweet, simple board game celebrating that Christmas special, produced decades later. BRBTV shows you the game, up-close and personal, in the latest episode of the Terrific TV Toys series, bringing to a close the 11th season of the collectibles series.

See what else is on the Terrific TV Toys playlist.

Merry Christmas from BRBTV! And here's to many blessings in the new year.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Terrific non-TV Toys: "The Peanuts Movie" Happy Meal Toys, McDonald's, 2015

Didya catch the big-screen "Peanuts Movie" a few years back? Charlie Brown, Linus, Lucy, Sally and all the gang, along with our beloved beagle? Well, McDonald's was in on the fun, rolling out a line of Happy Meal Toys celebrating the movie's release. BRBTV did not collect all of them, but we got quite a few, and in this season finale episode of Terrific non-TV Toys for 2024, we show not only those but also throw in a bonus item -- one toy from the Snoopy NASA set. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Those beloved Gloria Vanderbilt jeans show up again -- this time on "Soap"

If you've ever seen this author's Pinterest account, you know I'm a big fan of Gloria Vanderbilt jeans. Since my very first pair in junior high school in the early 1980s, I've owned many, many over the years, along with shirts, shoes, purses, cologne, dishware and anything else Gloria I can get my hands on. Ms. Vanderbilt, who passed away in her 90s in 2019, remains one of my personal heroes. So, as I've been making my way through rewatchings -- or first-time watchings -- of great classic TV shoes on Tubi and other likeminded streaming apps, I've been very delighted to see GVs pop up on many of the characters of that late '70s, early '80s timeframe. I blogged before about Janet and Chrissy wearing them on "Three's Company." I blogged about the gals of "Facts of Life," particularly in the first season, wearing them in all colors. And now, for the past few weeks I've been watching the '70s comedy "Soap" for the first time, and guess what I see on Corinne in the second season:

I'm tickled pink! Or gray or whatever color they are, with white stitching! (Truth be told, they look like they could be the lavender fine cords I got in junior high school, with white stitching. Those came from the mail-order Alden's catalog -- remember Alden's?) Anyway, the above shot is from S2E8 of the series. Then, in episode 19 of the same season, Corinne sported another pair of colored GVs, this time a forest green with white stitching (the image below captured them as a very similar color as the pair above, but they were more green):

She wore that pair again in the following episode. This was in 1979, as GVs were riding high in our pop culture, helping lead the charge for the popularity of designer jeans.

I'll keep watching for more!

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Six Feet Under Hollywood: Arnold Horshack!

Wow, we had almost forgotten that he illustrated Wesley Eure's children's book, and we didn't really know the details of his death (and even the rest of his life). But BRBTV certainly enjoyed his performance as Arnold Horshack on "Welcome Back, Kotter." This author just did a rewatch of the whole series on Tubi -- the first time I've really watched the series since its original airing. So this time on Brian's Six Feet Under Hollywood blog, it's Ron Paolillo's turn in the spotlight (and note the variance in the last name, which you can see on his grave) ...

Six Feet Under Hollywood: Arnold Horshack!:   Ronald Gabriel Paolillo was born in New Haven, Connecticut on April 2, 1949. He was the son of Gabriel and Carmel, the former of whom ...

Friday, November 08, 2024

A video tour through the former Eloise Asylum

In June on this very blog you saw some photos of this author's historical tour of the former Eloise facility in Westland, Michigan, commonly called Eloise Psychiatric Hospital or Eloise Asylum. The videos from that tour have been dropping weekly on my secondary YouTube channel, and they're now complete. These clips go in order from the lobby of the Kay Beard Building (once referred to as the "D" building) all the way up to the fifth (top) floor, where the most dangerous patients were once housed -- the criminally insane.








Take your own tour of Eloise Asylum.

Subscribe to see other fun and sometimes kooky travel videos from here, there and everywhere (even Egypt).

Friday, November 01, 2024

Catch the newest episode of "Reanimated"

The undead are out in full force as a few of our survivors take refuge in a remote cabin for episode 8 of the "Reanimated" web series. And things aren't looking too good for this author's character, Blanche Lancaster. She was injured in a helicopter crash in an earlier episode, and that wound to her abdomen continues to get worse. And now? We'll you'll just have to watch and see.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Terrific TV Toys: "Dallas" trading cards, Donruss, 1981

Trading cards were really a thing back in the 1970s and '80s, and TV shows were popular subjects for them. The latest episode of the T3 series shows you a couple packs of trading cards celebrating the classic primetime soap "Dallas." There's ole J.R. Ewing, even daddy Jock Ewing and mom Miss Ellie, Sue Ellen, Bobby, Pam, Lucy -- all the regular characters we know and love. They're featured in full-color still shots from episodes of the show. We'll open one pack on camera and keep the other sealed. (But don't worry -- the thoroughly petrified piece of bubble gum is long gone!) 

Special shout-out to Alex, our fellow "Dallas" fan!

See what else is on the Terrific TV Toys playlist.

Happy Halloween from BRBTV! Stay safe!

Monday, October 28, 2024

ElectraWow and DynaMite: Can you believe Judy Strangis owns her DynaGirl costume?

It was a reunion of the two gals from classic Saturday-morning TV's "ElectraWoman and DynaGirl" over the weekend, and our buddy Brian was there -- and he even filed a report with BRBTV.

At an autograph show in New Jersey over the weekend, Brian, shown above in his Gilligan cosplay, got a chance to chat with Deidre Hall, left, and Judy Strangis, the stars of the iconic superhero series. They're looking great, he reported, first of all, but he also asked them about their amazing so-'70s costumes from the show, all awash in eye-catching oranges and yellows. What happened to the costumes? What were they like? How many costumes did each gal get for the filming? 

BRBTV was guessing it was "one" for the latter question, given the short time frame that the series aired, along with the minimalist's budgets that shows produced by the Kroffts were known for (admittedly, by brothers Sid and Marty). Well, yeah, Judy said, she just had one DynaGirl costume for the filming -- and she owns it now! So fun!

Judy didn't always own the outfit, though, she told Brian. A friend gifted her with it recently. She has the costume framed at her home (which Lynda Carter, by the way, has  done with her own screen-used Wonder Woman costume, though she had more than one for filming; Heroes and Icons recently reported that she actually owns two of the costumes). 

Of Judy, "Her husband/handler told me he has yet to see her wear it," Brian said. (Perhaps that was a bit of a joke on the hub's part, but it's adorable.) Deidre Hall, who went on after the show to much fame on daytime soaps, does not have her own ElectraWoman costume, however, she said.

Two modern photos courtesy of Brian Lombard; please do not copy without permission.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Six Feet Under Hollywood: Stephanie Zimbalist

A grave all set up and ready to go -- before death? Yeah, sometimes it happens, and it's part of the story of the very-much-still-living actress Stephanie Zimbalist, known for her work on the classic TV show "Remington Steele." Read more in the latest installment of the Six Feet Under Hollywood blog ...

Six Feet Under Hollywood: Stephanie Zimbalist:   "I have a personal connection with my Savior...I feel very beholden to Him...I feel He's there for me in my darkest moments." ...

Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Terrific non-TV Toys: "DCeased" Batgirl figure, DC Direct, 2022-2023

Since Halloween is right around the corner, why don't we take a look at something nice and creepy for the latest episode of the Terrific non-TV Toys series? This is a Batgirl figure from DC Direct and DC Essentials' "DCeased" line, based on the 2019 comic book series of the same name. Babsie is a bloody sight to behold, for sure, looking like she stepped off the pages of the Walking Dead comic series rather than the DC Universe. 

See the other episodes in the Terrific non-TV Toys series.

Sunday, October 06, 2024

Quick shot of Erica Durance just because

Our friend Brian is at the “Smallville” con in New Jersey this weekend and shared with BRBTV this shot of the panel discussion with the beautiful Erica Durance, who of course was the beautiful and feisty Lois Lane on the series. Thanks, Brian! Have fun!

(Learn more at

Photo courtesy of Brian; please do not copy without permission

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Terrific TV Toys: "Star Trek" fleece throw kit by Eugene Textiles, 2016; "Picard" cap, 2019; Vegas con bag, 2021

You ever jump into something that you think is going to take like five minutes and it ends up taking hours? Well, my buddy Brian gave me a wonderful goodie bag of "Star Trek" items the last time I saw him, and inside that bag was this "Star Trek" fleece throw blanket from Eugene Textiles that I thought I was going to feature nice and quick-like on an episode of the T3 series. Yeah, right ... I missed that part that said some assembly was required. This was not a fleece throw -- this was a fleece throw kit. As in, put it together! OK, fine, so I paused the camera a few times and muddled through. You'll see the results in the latest episode of the collectibles series, and you'll even see the finished product! If you've never put together one of these fleece throw kits (am I saying that right? maybe it's throw fleece kits!), it actually is rather enjoyable, and it can be a group activity, like maybe a family activity. Just make sure the kids are safe with scissors that are nice and sharp!

Another item in the goodie bag Brian gave me is a cap bearing the insignia for the "Star Trek: Picard" series, which I have not yet watched but will someday watch, I'm sure, being a hard-core "Trek" fan who plans to view all "Trek" ever produced. Then there is the bag itself, which is a cool keepsake from a recent "Star Trek" Las Vegas con (no doubt the 2021 con, judging from the imprint on the bag).

Thanks again, Brian!!!!

See what else is on the Terrific TV Toys playlist.

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

An almost-forgotten appearance on the "Fave Five From Fans" podcast

This author came across it almost accidentally, the YouTube version of a podcast recorded nearly a couple years ago. But this one was a fun one to do, discussing the villains of the 1966 "Batman" TV series with fellow fan Jamie Ray. Jamie had done the "Pop Ninja" Halloween episode with me, Patrick and Lisa in 2021, and that's when he invited me to do his own podcast, since I was wearing the Yvonne Craig Batgirl costume at the time and was clearly quite the fan. 

So was Joan Collins channeling a very early Alexis Colby as she slithered around the "Batman" set as the Siren? You can decide -- it comes up for discussion here, along with a lot of discussion of Julie Newmar's portrayal of Catwoman. Thanks, Jamie, for posting this!

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Terrific non-TV Toys: Tuesday Taylor, Super Model walking version, Ideal, 1978

If you're a kid of the 1970s and you've ever heard the names Tuesday Taylor and Tiffany Taylor -- and especially if you've heard them used interchangeably -- you might be a tad confused. Who was Tiffany? Who was Tuesday? Were they related? Cousins or something? Sisters??? 

This author has to admit to some confusion around these brand names from Ideal, because I remembered they were both fashion dolls much like Barbie, and I remembered my mom bought me one of them when I was a kid, and I remembered there were other styles of that same doll out there that had a hair-color-changing trick they did with the turn of the top of the skull (yes, believe it), but I was unclear, after all these years, which was which. I started to think my version of the doll, which doesn't change hair color and which has a trick of her own -- walking -- was perhaps the Tiffany Taylor, then that would make the hair-color-changing version Tuesday, right? Or was it the other way around? 

Turns out, neither one of those scenarios is correct. We'll solve the mystery, as well as take a nice up-close look at this beautiful 1978 doll from my childhood, in the latest episode of the Terrific non-TV Toys series ...

See the other episodes in the Terrific non-TV Toys series.

Monday, August 26, 2024

A view from Marysville Hot Wheels Weekend

Special thanks to our roving reporter Jason for these shots from this past weekend's car show in Marysville, Michigan, the Marysville Hot Wheels Weekend. Special guests were Catherine ("Daisy Duke") Bach of "The Dukes of Hazzard" along with Erik Estrada and Larry Wilcox of "CHiPs." BRBTV enjoyed that show a few years back and wish we could have made it this time! Jason certainly found a kindred spirit in this fellow "Dukes" fan, Tim, and his fab General Lee.

Photos courtesy of Jason; please do not copy without permission.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Sasquatch arrives ... just because it's fun and it's Friday

TGIF! How about a little Bigfoot to brighten your day? This is somewhere in Michigan, shot a few months ago this year.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Just Beneath the Surface takes on "Twilight Zone" episode "The Obsolete Man"

Our friend Brian and his friend Bruce have done it again -- after some time away, they've posted another discussion of a wonderful classic "Twilight Zone" episode as part of their "Just Beneath the Surface" web series. This is one of the Burgess Meredith episodes, and in this one he's living his life in a way that does not suit the powers that be (government). He is planned to be liquidated. This story has remarkable parallels to the world we live in right now, particularly in the area of cancel culture. Don't cancel these guys -- just listen in!

Thursday, August 08, 2024

Terrific TV Toys: "Dukes of Hazzard" Cooter's tow truck 1:18, Greenlight, 2021

All those good folks rolling through the dusty backroads of Hazzard County need a tow once in a while, now don't they? And when they need a tow, they call ole Crazy Cooter. And even when they just need a few gallons of Hoggoco gasoline, they stop by Cooter's Garage. This nicely detailed toy car in 1:18 scale celebrates both those ideas. You've got the tow truck seen so often on "The Dukes of Hazzard," as well as a gas pump. So cool. 

(Who knows why YouTube's embed code feature hasn't been working the past couple days????)

This set was sold at Cooter's Place, and that's where our friend Jason -- BRBTV roving reporter -- snagged it. He walks us through this out-of-the-box experience. If you bought one of these limited-edition beauties and prefer to keep it all locked up, step vicariously with us for this unboxing.

See what else is on the Terrific TV Toys playlist.