Monday, August 20, 2018

Terrific non-TV Toys: Wonder Woman 14" figure by Mego

She's a big girl, that Amazon we know and love from the printed comics page. And in this episode of the Terrific non-TV Toys web series, this figure is a fitting tribute at a whopping 14 inches! Not even 12 inches like a lot of larger action figure, but 14 inches. Meow. She's part of the revived Mego Corp. and continuing Mego Month here at BRBTV. Last time, it was a Kelly Garrett "Charlie's Angels" figure from Mego's new license for Terrific TV Toys, so this time it's that wonderful Wonder Woman on the sister series ...

Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Terrific TV Toys: Mego "Charlie's Angels" figure Kelly

We just don't know how we're going to survive, here at BRBTV ... News of the return of Mego Corp. to the retail scene broke a few weeks ago, and we've been reeling ever since ... New figures, new licenses, far less space in the basement!!!! Oooohhhh, it's just overwhelming. We had two great episodes cued up for this month on Terrific TV Toys and the sister series Terrific non-TV Toys. But then this happened ... Two wonderful brand-new Mego figures dropped into our laps (thanks, Mike) ...

This week's episode shows you the first of Mego's planned series on 1970s TV series "Charlie's Angels." This is Kelly Garrett, as portrayed by Jaclyn Smith. She's a lovely lady, with a smashing outfit (amazing shoes!), and frankly, we like.

Thanks, as always, to my buddy Mike, our honorary chief of procurement at BRBTV! He's the one that finds this stuff.