Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Terrific TV Toys: "Star Trek" fleece throw kit by Eugene Textiles, 2016; "Picard" cap, 2019; Vegas con bag, 2021

You ever jump into something that you think is going to take like five minutes and it ends up taking hours? Well, my buddy Brian gave me a wonderful goodie bag of "Star Trek" items the last time I saw him, and inside that bag was this "Star Trek" fleece throw blanket from Eugene Textiles that I thought I was going to feature nice and quick-like on an episode of the T3 series. Yeah, right ... I missed that part that said some assembly was required. This was not a fleece throw -- this was a fleece throw kit. As in, put it together! OK, fine, so I paused the camera a few times and muddled through. You'll see the results in the latest episode of the collectibles series, and you'll even see the finished product! If you've never put together one of these fleece throw kits (am I saying that right? maybe it's throw fleece kits!), it actually is rather enjoyable, and it can be a group activity, like maybe a family activity. Just make sure the kids are safe with scissors that are nice and sharp!

Another item in the goodie bag Brian gave me is a cap bearing the insignia for the "Star Trek: Picard" series, which I have not yet watched but will someday watch, I'm sure, being a hard-core "Trek" fan who plans to view all "Trek" ever produced. Then there is the bag itself, which is a cool keepsake from a recent "Star Trek" Las Vegas con (no doubt the 2021 con, judging from the imprint on the bag).

Thanks again, Brian!!!!

See what else is on the Terrific TV Toys playlist.

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

An almost-forgotten appearance on the "Fave Five From Fans" podcast

This author came across it almost accidentally, the YouTube version of a podcast recorded nearly a couple years ago. But this one was a fun one to do, discussing the villains of the 1966 "Batman" TV series with fellow fan Jamie Ray. Jamie had done the "Pop Ninja" Halloween episode with me, Patrick and Lisa in 2021, and that's when he invited me to do his own podcast, since I was wearing the Yvonne Craig Batgirl costume at the time and was clearly quite the fan. 

So was Joan Collins channeling a very early Alexis Colby as she slithered around the "Batman" set as the Siren? You can decide -- it comes up for discussion here, along with a lot of discussion of Julie Newmar's portrayal of Catwoman. Thanks, Jamie, for posting this!