Friday, September 17, 2010

TGIF Toys: We see why you have to look away, Batsy ...

We're quite sure the folks who are making all these Mego repros are trying to kill us. It was bad enough we had to brave the sheer terror that was the Comic-Con International crowd in San Diego a couple months back, but then we had to lay our eyes on a heart-attack-worthy display like this, at the Mattel booth. A new Wonder Woman figure, and such a departure from the original Mego figure of the '70s!

With vinyl boots, an incredible head of styled hair, a separate lasso, tiara and bracelets, and her "flesh" showing amid her fabric costume (rather than a whole painted body stocking like the original -- which we'll always treasure, mind you!), this WW is amazing. She was enough to make the Batman Mego repro, just a few inches away, cower in weakness (a sentiment not shared by Two-Face, however!). The Amazon Princess is part of Wave 3 of Mattel's Retro-Action DC Superheroes release.

After we beheld this astonishing site -- all eight, glorious inches of her, coming to a store near you soon -- we tripped over the Diamond Select Toys display at the con and spied the Nurse Chapel figure of the "Star Trek" original series line. Aye-yi-yi -- double coronary!!!! We must have it! Even though her stockings are inaccurate! (Flesh-colored rather than black as on the show.) THEN ... as if that wasn't enough torture, right next to her was the green Orion slave girl Vina of the original "Trek" pilot "The Cage"! Barefoot and beautiful! Arriving winter 2011! Ack!

Sorry to carry on so, but we recall how the girls weren't given the same play as the boys in the original Mego run! So off to the stores (on or offline) we'll go ...

Oh, the pain! Oh, the agony!

Photo by Billie Rae Bates / BRBTV

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