Monday, December 24, 2018

Merry Christmas from BRBTV!!!

We here at BRBTV see a world where good things happen. A world where peace can prevail, amid the turmoil. Where even warring factions backbiting at each other can come together to accomplish great things. Where the human spirit seeks joy and kindness and good things, when it comes right down to it. Are we dreaming? Are we being cynical? No, not at all. That's the world we live in, and the shot below, supplied by our friend Bjørn, expresses that so nicely!

You see, even at the Carrington mansion, between these warring factions, peace and joy and the holiday spirit can prevail!!!

Merry Christmas from BRBTV!!

Image courtesy of Bjørn; see more of his "Dynasty" dollhouse on previous posts of this blog.

1 comment:

Jasonduke360 said...

Merry Christmas to you. May t hug e holidays bring you comfort and joy.