Monday, September 02, 2019

Catch episode 2 of "The Rapture Chronicles" with BRB as Francine

For the past few years this author has been having fun with some acting gigs on the side, but I have always wanted to become involved in a screen project that is Kingdom-serving. Enter "The Rapture Chronicles" by producer / director / writer Dray Hill, which I am so thankful to be a part of.

This is a web series designed to change lives, depicting the reality of the Rapture event that all believers know is coming soon. Each episode shows a few characters from various walks of life, in various stages of faith (or lack thereof). Some share their beliefs in the Lord; others might not want to hear it. It's real life. I love it, and I love working with this group.

For some, the Rapture event mentioned in the Bible might be fantasy. I play a character who thinks it's sheer fantasy. Francine is a tough cookie, and her doubt and sarcasm about these Biblical issues definitely took me out of my comfort zone. You'll see what happens, as the episode dropped today both on Facebook and via the YouTube above.

You can also see the interview I did on the role:

Catch up with the first episode and so much more at the Facebook page for the series, as well as the web page at, which features photos and links to interviews with the other great folks involved in the series. And watch for future episodes -- this one is hot! Episode 1 jumped to more than 100,000 views on Facebook in just a couple months.


Jasonduke360 said...

Very well done! Was that your car too? I wonder if the rapture is going to happen in my life time would I ascend then? I am a very firm believer in the lord but I know I live in some sin. I pray for forgiveness and even for some people I really don't care about because of what they have done to me. There is still a lot of things that happen that I dont understand why it has to be that way. I truly hope when I do finally get to meet God all will be revealed.
Very well made performance brb! said...

Yea, that was my car. :) And yes, all will be revealed. You raise some good questions that I think a lot of people have, but any sin you have done is not going to keep you from ascending, my friend!