Monday, May 17, 2021

Terrific non-TV Toys: Scarlett O'Hara figurine by Avon, 1983

She was the belle of the ball, the ball being the highly regarded 1939 movie "Gone With the Wind." She was Scarlett O'Hara, that Southern beauty so magnificently portrayed by Vivien Leigh. And she's captured in porcelain by Avon for this figurine offered back in 1983, part of a larger set that included Rhett Butler (of course) as well as Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers and others. Just behold, on the latest episode of Terrific non-TV Toys ....


Wendy said...

She's so pretty! Not that it needs it, but I could definitely see repainting this particular figure and it looking even more terrific! said...

Yup, definitely. Thankfully she has preserved well.