Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Uh-huh-huh-uh ... It's Elvis on the latest episode of Terrific non-TV Toys!

Well, ain't this a hunka-hunka burnin' love, a 12-inch doll of Elvis Presley straight outta 1984, and wearing his iconic gold lame suit! How can you not love that!? In the latest episode of the Terrific non-TV Toys series, you'll get up-close to the bric-a-brac and everything else on this delightful piece by the Eugene Doll Co. and endorsed by that magical place that is Graceland. Shout-out to Slim on this one!!! She's the one who got me the postcard shot below of Elvis in that famous suit!




Wendy said...

He's SUCH a nice doll! I actually think the likeness is incredible, especially given it's a doll from the '80s when computer technology and design tools were less than what's available now -- yet he's a much better likeness than a lot of newer dolls I see these days. So cool that you still have him, as well as the accessories and the box. I hope you'll put him out on display again. :)

BRBTV.com said...

Thanks! Yeah, I really need to display him.