Monday, October 31, 2022

Happy Halloween! Celebrate the spookiness with the latest episode of "Pop Ninja"

The annual Halloween video episode of the "Pop Ninja" podcast is here, and in this one, Patrick, Lisa, and friends Kendall and this author discuss favorite spooky movies. For my pick, I had to go back to a movie I for years only vaguely remembered seeing on television when I was a kid in the 1970s. It was a movie about a guy turning into a snake -- that's mainly what I remembered. As an adult I got a chance to find the movie and rewatch it. Yeah, it's still chilling and totally creepy. It's 1973's "SSSssss" (that's seven "s"s) and it stars a very young Dirk Benedict before he did "Battlestar Galactica" or "The A-Team." If you haven't seen it, it's worth looking up. Patrick, Lisa and Kendall discuss "Halloween" (I mean, of course!), "Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night I" and "Fade to Black." And we're all in costume!

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