Friday, February 10, 2023

Announcing the fourth Kindle edition of "The Ultimate Super Friends Companion"

It's been several years since "The Ultimate Super Friends Companion" was first released in Kindle edition and in part 1 and part 2 of the print edition. Author Will Rodgers keeps collecting, though -- you can see much of his action figure collection in the photo albums of the Terrific TV Toys Facebook page. And so, because Will has accumulated a lot of great figures of the beloved "Super Friends" characters (such as more-recently released items from Figures Toy Company's various robust lines), we decided to freshen up the Kindle edition of the book with some new photos. 

So, in the Kindle edition only -- the two-volume print series remains the same -- you'll see a brand-new photo accompanying each "Super" character profile scattered throughout the book. Each new character profile photo shows all of Will's figures of that particular Super Friend or super-villain, whether it's the Mego or Figures Toy Company eight-inch, cloth-clad figure or a smaller (or sometimes bigger) figure by Mattel or another manufacturer. So it's another feature of this "Super Friends" guide -- illustrations of the various collectibles out there.

The price for the Kindle edition remains the same, and it's a good deal at $8, because this thing is just huge, the equivalent of 809 letter-sized pages. Besides these comprehensive character profiles, the book gives you extremely detailed episode synopses for every one of the series variations through the 1970s and 1980s, along with complete histories of each series, a look at the comic books and other merchandise associated with the shows, and other fun stuff. Will loves the Super Friends -- it's one of his areas of expertise!

An example of one of the new character profile photos in the Kindle edition of "The Ultimate Super Friends Companion," showing variations in Batman figures from Will's own collection. 

Photo by Will Rodgers.

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