Sunday, May 07, 2023

Some glimpses of the goods from Novi toy show

It seemed like a brand-new show, at least it was one this collector had not seen before. It happened yesterday at the Suburban Showplace Collection in Novi, Michigan, home of the wildly popular Motor City Comic Con (which is in just a couple weeks, incidentally, and which I may actually make my grand return to this year after several years away). And this toy show was pretty lush -- one big convention hall with lots of tables. It wasn't well-attended -- maybe it wasn't advertised that much? Anyway, no matter. It was nice to not have hordes of people. 

So many TV-show-related goodies! There are a ton of photos to show, everything from "All in the Family" to the beloved Batman and Scooby-Doo to the ever-present "Star Trek" and so much more. Such a joy to get back to a nice-sized toy show. Maybe this one is / will be yearly and if so, it's highly recommended. Folks there were really nice to chat with.

Three views of the same thermos, featuring images from the Krofft shows of the '70s, except for "Land of the Lost," unfortunately. Very cool and priced at $50 loose without the lunchbox. 


Photos by Billie Rae Bates / BRBTV
Copying with credit is OK; a link would be grand

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