Sunday, May 19, 2024

A grand return to the Motor City Comic Con

I suppose I could have gotten back sooner, but in more recent years, I kept talking myself out of it at the last second. But yesterday, this author finally made her way back to the beautiful mayhem of the Motor City Comic Con for the first time since COVID. And a grand return it was. Rather exhilarating, to walk around that ginormous convention hall again -- to see even how much bigger the show has gotten in the past few years. I always cover all the shopping, and it took me a lot longer this time. I walked for hours straight. I caught a couple celeb panels. Got some video you'll see this week on the BRBTV YouTube channel. Saw friends. And, I saw lots of delicious TV-show-related toys ...

"Star Trek," "Battlestar Galactica," classic "Twilight Zone," "Starsky and Hutch," any kind of Batman and Scooby-Doo everywhere, the Power Rangers, Muppets and more ...

Photos by Billie Rae Bates / BRBTV
Copying with credit is OK; a link would be grand

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