Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Terrific non-TV Toys: Tuesday Taylor, Super Model walking version, Ideal, 1978

If you're a kid of the 1970s and you've ever heard the names Tuesday Taylor and Tiffany Taylor -- and especially if you've heard them used interchangeably -- you might be a tad confused. Who was Tiffany? Who was Tuesday? Were they related? Cousins or something? Sisters??? 

This author has to admit to some confusion around these brand names from Ideal, because I remembered they were both fashion dolls much like Barbie, and I remembered my mom bought me one of them when I was a kid, and I remembered there were other styles of that same doll out there that had a hair-color-changing trick they did with the turn of the top of the skull (yes, believe it), but I was unclear, after all these years, which was which. I started to think my version of the doll, which doesn't change hair color and which has a trick of her own -- walking -- was perhaps the Tiffany Taylor, then that would make the hair-color-changing version Tuesday, right? Or was it the other way around? 

Turns out, neither one of those scenarios is correct. We'll solve the mystery, as well as take a nice up-close look at this beautiful 1978 doll from my childhood, in the latest episode of the Terrific non-TV Toys series ...

See the other episodes in the Terrific non-TV Toys series.

Monday, August 26, 2024

A view from Marysville Hot Wheels Weekend

Special thanks to our roving reporter Jason for these shots from this past weekend's car show in Marysville, Michigan, the Marysville Hot Wheels Weekend. Special guests were Catherine ("Daisy Duke") Bach of "The Dukes of Hazzard" along with Erik Estrada and Larry Wilcox of "CHiPs." BRBTV enjoyed that show a few years back and wish we could have made it this time! Jason certainly found a kindred spirit in this fellow "Dukes" fan, Tim, and his fab General Lee.

Photos courtesy of Jason; please do not copy without permission.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Sasquatch arrives ... just because it's fun and it's Friday

TGIF! How about a little Bigfoot to brighten your day? This is somewhere in Michigan, shot a few months ago this year.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Just Beneath the Surface takes on "Twilight Zone" episode "The Obsolete Man"

Our friend Brian and his friend Bruce have done it again -- after some time away, they've posted another discussion of a wonderful classic "Twilight Zone" episode as part of their "Just Beneath the Surface" web series. This is one of the Burgess Meredith episodes, and in this one he's living his life in a way that does not suit the powers that be (government). He is planned to be liquidated. This story has remarkable parallels to the world we live in right now, particularly in the area of cancel culture. Don't cancel these guys -- just listen in!

Thursday, August 08, 2024

Terrific TV Toys: "Dukes of Hazzard" Cooter's tow truck 1:18, Greenlight, 2021

All those good folks rolling through the dusty backroads of Hazzard County need a tow once in a while, now don't they? And when they need a tow, they call ole Crazy Cooter. And even when they just need a few gallons of Hoggoco gasoline, they stop by Cooter's Garage. This nicely detailed toy car in 1:18 scale celebrates both those ideas. You've got the tow truck seen so often on "The Dukes of Hazzard," as well as a gas pump. So cool. 

(Who knows why YouTube's embed code feature hasn't been working the past couple days????)

This set was sold at Cooter's Place, and that's where our friend Jason -- BRBTV roving reporter -- snagged it. He walks us through this out-of-the-box experience. If you bought one of these limited-edition beauties and prefer to keep it all locked up, step vicariously with us for this unboxing.

See what else is on the Terrific TV Toys playlist.

Tuesday, August 06, 2024

New interview is up, and the word is out on the next "Rapture Chronicles" episode

This author is so thankful to be a part of "The Rapture Chronicles" web series and ministry, and now Season 3 is just around the corner. The title of the first episode of this new season was just released, and you can get a feel for what it's about with the brand-new poster below. Director and producer Dray Hill is doing interviews with cast and crew, and my turn was just posted on YouTube, as well. Please like, share and support this wonderful effort that is reaching people for Christ! Check out the GoFundMe: