If you've ever seen this author's Pinterest account, you know I'm a big fan of Gloria Vanderbilt jeans. Since my very first pair in junior high school in the early 1980s, I've owned many, many over the years, along with shirts, shoes, purses, cologne, dishware and anything else Gloria I can get my hands on. Ms. Vanderbilt, who passed away in her 90s in 2019, remains one of my personal heroes. So, as I've been making my way through rewatchings -- or first-time watchings -- of great classic TV shoes on Tubi and other likeminded streaming apps, I've been very delighted to see GVs pop up on many of the characters of that late '70s, early '80s timeframe. I blogged before about Janet and Chrissy wearing them on "Three's Company." I blogged about the gals of "Facts of Life," particularly in the first season, wearing them in all colors. And now, for the past few weeks I've been watching the '70s comedy "Soap" for the first time, and guess what I see on Corinne in the second season:

I'm tickled pink! Or gray or whatever color they are, with white stitching! (Truth be told, they look like they could be the lavender fine cords I got in junior high school, with white stitching. Those came from the mail-order Alden's catalog -- remember Alden's?) Anyway, the above shot is from S2E8 of the series. Then, in episode 19 of the same season, Corinne sported another pair of colored GVs, this time a forest green with white stitching (the image below captured them as a very similar color as the pair above, but they were more green):
She wore that pair again in the following episode. This was in 1979, as GVs were riding high in our pop culture, helping lead the charge for the popularity of designer jeans.
I'll keep watching for more!