Generals Lee (left) and Longstreet took in the event, and we're guessing the 95-degree heat was considerably more comfortable than the battlefield!

Yea, buddy, you flex that muscle ... Our friend Byron ("Coy Duke") Cherry, right, needs little prodding to ham it up.

You know you've pulled into the right hotel on Friday evening when you see a Lee and a sheriff's car side by side. 'Twas the Sleep Inn off exit 50 of I-95, by the way.

One of the show's features was a chance to "smack an import." Since the BRBTV corporate car (a Ford Taurus) just died a few weeks ago and we were in a rental that was slightly-less-than-American, we won't comment ...

This car is a replica of the very first Lee jumped on "The Dukes." This one made a special commemorative jump at the same site, Oxford College near Covington, Georgia, in 2005.

Fellow author Jon Holland, who was at the track signing his own "Dukes" book, stopped by BRB's signing table to chat. Jon is working on a new "Dukes" book that's sure to be much-talked-about. He's had some great unexplored territory to dig into, as far as "Dukes" history goes, and he's been pounding the pavement for public records. Look for that hot book --a book that will reveal some surprising truths -- later this year!

We mentioned on Monday that there was a "Dukes"-themed engagement at the show -- a real memory-maker. Well, here's the happy couple earlier that day. Little did Rusty's special lady know, at this point ... and when he proposed she was sure shocked! She had no idea that was coming, she told us later.

BRB had a great time at the event, signing not only books, but an occasional car, too! Many thanks to all who stopped by the table to chat. We'll see ya at the next "Dukes" event!
Photos, except the one directly above, by Billie Rae Bates / BRBTV
Copying with credit is OK; a link would be grand!
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