Friday, April 29, 2016

Terrific TV Toys: '66 Egghead figure by Figures Toy Co.

It's a most egg-citing week here at Terrific TV Toys. We have egg-cellent subject matter: the rather egg-centric Egghead, as portrayed by the egg-ceptional Vincent Price on the 1960s "Batman" TV series!!! Join BRB as she egg-xamines this egg-white-and-egg-yellow-clad action figure from Figures Toy Co,, the final figure in their Series 2 for the beloved Bat-show. Egghead was such an interesting villainous role for this late master of the horror genre! Such a strange egg! Does the face of this figure look like Mr. Price? We'll leave that to your egg-le eye to decide ...

After this, we'll take a break from the '66 "Batman" figures for a couple episodes, then return in full force! We've still got quite a few to feature!

1 comment:

Jasonduke360 said...

Egg celent!!