Sunday, July 21, 2019

Byron Cherry and Tom Wopat shine at Hazzard County Cars and Stars event

When we say hot, we mean hoooooottttt! As in blazin' hot! We were actually just a little thankful for the rain that came later in the afternoon to cool things off a bit. Nevertheless, we soldiered on, those of us who attended the first-ever Hazzard County Cars and Stars Concert at the Owosso Speedway this weekend in a sweet little town that you may not have heard of, but that this author is actually from. In fact, I grew up a mile down the road from the speedway. That town is Ovid, Michigan, and who would've dreamed that two stars of one of my all-time favorite TV shows would come there to visit? Yes, they did, and it was delightful.

These photos are from yesterday, when Tom ("Luke Duke") Wopat and Byron ("Coy Duke") Cherry of "The Dukes of Hazzard" signed photos for fans. Tom said he didn't mind the intense heat, as he snagged himself a hotdog from the concession stand, and Byron was his always-friendly self, there to meet with fans no matter the circumstances (I'm thinking of one particular Georgia event years ago when he was sick as a dog but still showed up smiling!). In the afternoon we were treated to a car chase with a General Lee, Rosco's sheriff's car, and a yellow Plymouth Road Runner (Daisy-inspired), in a "Dukes" scene featuring Byron and a few friends who are avid "Dukes" fans -- Brian, Kristy, T.J.  It was adorbs. Then Tom took to the stage and gave a wonderful concert.

The event is continuing on today. Watch this space this week for video coverage of yesterday's fun, and you can see lots of posting from the event at the speedway's Facebook page.

There's my buddy Derek -- aka ChunkeyMonkey40 -- above. I bet he will have some great video from the weekend.

Photos by Billie Rae Bates / BRBTV
Copying with credit is OK; a link would be grand

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