Friday, October 25, 2019

TGIF! How about a bevy of Batmobiles?

Our roving reporter Jason has been roaming the countryside and files this report just in time to celebrate the end of the week! As in Friday, and ain't we lucky we got 'em??!!!!

Jason was in Indianola, Mississippi, at a Love's truck stop. "Almost every GOOD Batmobile was there," Jason writes. "Not the Val Kilmer or George Clooney crappy ones, or the Michael Keaton, which is my most favorite, were missing. But still an impressive display of cool Batman stuff for $21.99 a piece."

"What really made me stop was they had the animated series car, which I thought was really slick. Loved that show and the sound that car made at idle. Note the Adam West car has the Batphone and Bat-emergency-turn-lever, if that was what it was called. It made the car do a 180."

"The Tumbler, my second favorite from the Keaton cars," Jason says. "It was difficult trying to open the hatch, everything inside is black but it did have a dash."

"The Ben Affleck car. This one was difficult to like," he says. "I don't dislike it, I don't think Affleck did a bad job at Batman; he actually did well in my opinion. It's the gun thing. The car had guns, not that the Keaton car didn't. I think it's just the scene where Batman was high on that crane holding a long rifle and when he was shooting with that automatic when he got ambushed. Batman shooting guns just ain't right in my eyes; still a good movie. Too bad Affleck is out now."

Photos by Jason G.; please do not copy without permission.

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