Monday, March 02, 2020

Diahann Carroll’s belongings to be auctioned off next week

This author and longtime “Dynasty” fan will be bidding on a few of these items; I think there are some jewelry pieces that have my name on them. And you, too, can have an opportunity to own a little slice of the life of revered actress Diahann Carroll, whom we fans of “Dynasty” know as the lovely songstress and half-sister of Blake Carrington, Dominique Deveraux.

Bonhams auction house has listed 150 items from the collection of the award-winning actress and is now accepting bids, with the auction culminating on March 10. Go to at the link below to see the listings, which don’t include a whole lot of “Dynasty” (a gown she wore to promote the series, for instance), but nevertheless provide some neat insight into the more private side of this longtime star, who died just a few months ago.


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