Monday, March 30, 2020

The latest episode of "The Rapture Chronicles" is up!

Weeellll, this author gets to stick to her journalism roots in the latest episode of "The Rapture Chronicles" web series, and that was fun, but more than that, I'm just thankful for the opportunity once again to be a part of something special.

Episode 4 of the web series is called "The Party Animal," and it's about a college student who is sowing his wild oats, so to speak, and not paying a whole lot of attention to the way his Godly mother raised him, figuring, well, what the hey, the Lord will keep forgiving me, right? It's folks like this who may get a surprise when the Rapture spoken of in the Bible comes at last. And that's what this web series is all about -- slices of modern life, real life, and what impact the Rapture may have on individuals in various situations. Daniel Jeffries does a bang-up job as the lead character in this episode. It's great stuff, and you can catch up with the whole series on the Facebook page, YouTube channel, or you can catch it on Truli.

Also check out this interview I did with the series creator, Dray Hill, and two lovely ladies, co-director Carmen Greer, and Tamika Willis, another member of this episode's cast:

Learn more about Churchouse Productions.


Jasonduke360 said...

Are my eyes deceiving me or is your hair blonde now? said...

LOL, not at all. That's probably just the way light is hitting it. Never used an iota of color all my life. :)