Monday, August 17, 2020

Hazzard Fest features Luke, Daisy, Coy and more

This year of 2020 can't be a total wash, ya know? We've seen events canceled one by one in the past few months, events that, if you would have asked us back in March when this pandemic hit full force, we would have thought, oh, surely things will be better by then! But nope, a couple great car shows this summer were canceled around these parts, the Motor City Comic Con, even the Monroe Pop Fest scheduled for next month, which BRBTV really enjoyed last September! Bummer that it has to happen this way, but safety first. And we'll look forward to a much better 2021!

Meanwhile, though, the folks in Hazzard County still have this one on the books for early October. Let's pray it can happen! We just had Bo's Extravaganza a few weekends ago, so maybe this one will fly, too. It's a great lineup: Tom ("Luke Duke") Wopat, Catherine ("Daisy Duke") Bach, Byron ("Coy Duke") Cherry of "The Dukes of Hazzard," plus show mechanic Tom Sarmento, who now has a new book out. And there are lots more great celebs -- see the list below. Concerts, comedy, wow, a really nice lineup. I'm thinking about it -- are you?? Tickets are here.

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