Monday, August 10, 2020

Screen-used TV treasures abound in online auction this month

Have you been in the market for an "Airwolf" model miniature? Maybe Claire Bennet's cheerleading outfit from the original "Heroes" (save the cheerleader, save the world)? How about Dean Cain's Superman uniform from "Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman," the very outfit he so famously and protectively folded his arms across his chest in, time after time? "I Love Lucy," "Lost," "Marcus Welby, M.D.," "Sleepy Hollow," "Smallville," all kinds of "Star Trek" ... so many great TV shows represented in the catalog for this month's online prop auction by Prop Store of London and L.A. (see And it's movie props, of course, too, but oh, boy, we love that TV stuff! The "Trek" and "Star Wars" stuff  just goes on for days.

The auction happens online and in person at the Petersen Automotive Museum in California.

Check out the full array of listings that go up live August 26 and 27:


Jasonduke360 said...

Did you say Airwolf??? I checked the site, it's a bit out of my league but thank you for letting us know. said...

Yea, I knew you'd like that Airwolf item!!!