Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Terrific non-TV Toys: Batgirl ViniMate by Diamond Select Toys, 2018

This time on Terrific non-TV Toys, it's an item released for Free Comic Book Day a couple years ago, for something a tad different. It's yet another Batgirl figure (statue?) in our "Backlog of Batgirls" in 2020, and we're still trying to catch up! (Yes, more have been procured since we started chipping away at the backlog ... sigh ...) For this one, you'll see that she's part of a dynamic duo -- though her sometimes-boyfriend from the comics, Nightwing, is conspicuously absent! We'll explain why ...


Wendy said...

Billie, you SHOULD be sent these toys for free to review!! Come on, Manufacturers -- there are tons of YouTube people that you're sending PR to and they couldn't convince me to buy toilet paper during a pandemic, even if it was free! ;P

BRBTV.com said...

Lol — thanks, girl! By the way, I sent your cinnamon roll cake recipe to my brother, who always loved those Cinna-Buns at the mall. :) He said he was going to try it the other night so I should ask him how it turned out.

Wendy said...

YAY! I hope he loved it! :D