Thursday, December 17, 2020

Reminisce with Patrick, Lisa and BRB in a special Christmas episode of "Pop Ninja"

Lite-Brite, Malibu Barbie, Farrah Fawcett and Evel Knievel and the Bionic Woman ... Oh, and Atari and the Odyssey game console, too! This has to be my favorite of the Pop Ninja podcasts I've sat in on so far ... reminiscing about Christmases of the '70s and '80s and the cool toys you got ... Join me, Patrick and Lisa for this week's episode, and trip back in time with us as we eagerly check out what's under the Christmas tree!



Jasonduke360 said...

This was a treat for me. I listened to this comming home today. Wow ya'll covered alot what I'd want to say is I had an atari and I thought then the graphics were cool. I played a lot of games, pac man river raid, star wars Indiana Jones, my dad and I would spend hours on space invaders, wow good times. I did have some gi joe doll that parachuted but it was a knock off. Star wars was king with me and my cousins I only had an x wing but alot of figures. My cousins and I would have epic wars mostly at their house. They had all the ships and everything. I wanted the millennium falcon so bad. Wow that pod cast really brought up some great memories thanks for posting it! said...

Yea, the good ole Atari!!! My cousin had one and I think he had Space Invaders too. And he had that Superman game too that we used to play a lot.