An indulgence of great classic television by journalist and author Billie Rae Bates.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Roundup: Beyond gators, and channeling John Barrymore
(Bidding heated up for Schneider's General Lee on eBay over the weekend, by the way! Check it out through the link in the Friday post.)
- "Channeling John Barrymore" ... We always knew he had it in him -- especially since, as this newspaper story asserts, art imitates life! Lane Davies, our beloved original Mason Capwell, of "Santa Barbara," opens his "I Hate Hamlet" at the Tennessee Repertory Theatre this week, and the Nashville Tennessean had something to say about it! Read more about it (and see a photo) here:
- Bruce Timm, one of the masterminds behind "Batman: The Animated Series," has a new DC Comics project in the works. This one is going to be a direct-to-DVD feature movie based on the trade paperback "The Death of Superman." (Timm, of course, worked on the "Superman" animated series as well.) Read more, and see a trailer, at
- Many of us could think of worse fates than looking like the amazing Heather Locklear! Check out this (Penn.) Times-Tribune story on one particular female who has to suffer this utter cruelty of resembling our own Sammy Jo of "Dynasty"!!!!
Friday, April 27, 2007
"See My Lee": This one takes the cake!
John Schneider's got at least one bidder who's interested in his very own Lee. And at a whopping half-a-million-dollar price tag, is that surprising? Well, maybe not ... Click on over to ...
... and you'll see the blazin' orange 1969 Dodge Charger of Bo Duke himself, using the seller's handle of "johnsebiz." Schneider has been an active eBay seller for two and a half years, but this particular auction lot tops 'em all ... Loaded with cast and crew autographs and featured on numerous TV specials, this Lee was built by Schneider himself. He completed it in December 1997 and has taken it racing now and then over the years, as you can well imagine!
But just who has that half-a-mill bid? Well, these days eBay keeps the bidder's identity private during an auction like this (remember the '90s on eBay, when it was so much more like the Wild, Wild West?), but he or she is a longtime eBayer, has sparkling feedback, does seem to have a thing f0r collectibles ... and is into crystal healing? Hmmm ...
(You've still got a whole week to get your bid in, by the way. And with the reserve not yet met, we're just a-wonderin' how high this thing will go.)
Do you have a Lee you'd like the world to see? Send us a photo at, and you might just see it here!
Meanwhile, in another sector of the all-powerful eBay, just for "Santa Barbara" fans:
A special T-shirt stating what we'd all rather be doing ... sigh ...
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Archie creator appears at L.A. Festival of Books
MAMARONECK, N.Y. – Hi De Ho Comics will be sponsoring Archie Comic creator George Gladir at their booth at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books this weekend.
This 12th Annual Los Angeles Times Festival of Books is the country’s largest celebration of the written word. People who love books gather with people who love to write, publish and sell books. The event features 130,000 attendees, 400+ authors, 300+ exhibitors, 900+ volunteers, 97 author panels and six outdoor stages and two children’s areas. The event happens at the UCLA campus in Los Angeles, April 28 and 29.
Hi De Ho Comics & Books with Pictures has been in business since 1975, based in Santa Monica, California, and they are one of the premier providers of comic books, new and old, magazines, books, toys, posters, trading cards and fantasy items in the greater Los Angeles area.
For more info about the L.A. Festival of Books, check out, or call 1-800-LATIMES, ext 7BOOKS.
Elsewhere in Archie Comics ...

“Where the Jobs Are”: A stroll through the high school’s job fair leads Betty and Veronica to daydream about glamorous jobs like being a secret agent, rock star or blogger. At least we know they’re qualified to be “creative writers!” SCRIPT: Kathleen Webb. ART: Jeff Shultz. “Personal Best”: The girl’s baseball team decides the best way to win this season is for each member to improve her specialties—so Betty & Midge work on their fielding, Ethel perfects her pitching, Nancy brings her batting average up… and Veronica handles cosmetic improvements! SCRIPT: Mike Pellowski. ART: Jeff Shultz. “Serious Business”: The line to wait for a famous author’s autograph is so long that Betty & Veronica have time to write their own books while they wait! SCRIPT: Barbara Slate. ART: Jeff Shultz.
On sale newsstand May 1, 2007
32-page, full-color comic
Batty wizard Bartholomew continues to tutor Sabrina with frustrating lessons that have little to do with magic. Despite her protests, Sabrina's aunts insist she continue with her lessons. Meanwhile, Sabrina receives an invitation from Llandra to Narayan's birthday party. Desiring to resurrect her friendship with Llandra, but feeling awkward about running into Shinji now that she's dating Harvey, Sabrina accepts the invite. But when Shinji arrives with a new girlfriend named Hemlock, it is Sabrina who feels awkward and hurt. Matters get worse when Sabrina learns what Shinji has in mind for Hemlock. As if all this intrigue weren't enough, it all ends with a startling revelation about Bartholomew! SCRIPT AND ART: Tania del Rio.
On sale newsstand May 1, 2007
32-page, full-color comic

“ America ’s New Best Model”: Call it “designer satire” when Katy takes on television model competitions! Katy of course is the nicest contestant on the reality series hosted by Tyrant Brinks… and that makes her a real winner, no matter how the judges vote! SCRIPT AND ART: Andrew Pepoy.
“The Perfect Birthday”: Archie decides to make his birthday last the whole day through with a full schedule of fun: arcade games with Jughead, tennis with Reggie, the movies with Betty, and a rock concert with Veronica. But will it be four chances for fun, or four chances for foul-ups? SCRIPT: Angelo DeCesare. ART: Stan Goldberg.
On sale newsstand May 8, 2007
32-page, full-color comic
“Stacked Under Pressure!”: The Sport Stacking craze hits Riverdale as Archie and Reggie compete to determine who is superior in the increasingly popular sport of plastic cup stacking! SCRIPT AND ART: Fernando Ruiz. PLUS: Other new and classic tales! SCRIPT AND ART: Various talents. BONUS: Puzzles, games and your chance to “Find Your Name in Print!”
On sale newsstand May 8, 2007
Full-color digest format
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
The voice of Batman appears at Florida Supercon
Conroy will be joined by Alan Burnett, writer and producer for the above-named animated series. They'll sign autographs, pose for pictures, greet fans, maybe do a panel discussion or two ... you know the drill. And with Conroy, your admission ticket to the show also gets you one free autograph from the legendary Bat-star.
It all happens June 22-24 at the Marriott North Hotel in Fort Lauderdale. See the website for more info:
Fans of "Santa Barbara" -- John Wesley Shipp, known to us as tennis boy Martin Ellis, will also appear at the con.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Joan Van Ark appears in "Channels"
The romantic tale depicts a man living an empty life who finds new interest and purpose in a soap-opera star. Catch photos of Van Ark in her role of Megan Phillips (not the soap star!) at the film's IMDb page. Ed Asner also stars.
"Channels," shot on a low budget in just 18 days, wrapped last October. The film showed at the White Sands Film Festival in New Mexico in February, and you can learn more about it, as well as see the poster, at their site.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Have you seen Lesley-Anne Down and Stephanie Beacham in "Seven Days of Grace"?
You can check out the trailer for the film at Down's website. The film's page also features photos of Down and other stars in the film. Olivia Hussey and Ria Coyne are also part of the cast. The movie was directed by Down's husband, Don E. FauntLeRoy. It's about a woman who inherits her father's restaurant but then must go chasing after his secret rib recipe.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Bo takes on another gator!
That's our boy Bo Duke -- John Schneider, just to continue the theme from these past couple days! -- laying waste to a killer gator in Sci Fi's new flick "Lake Placid 2." This will be part of the cable channel's Saturday-night creature feature ("the most dangerous night in television!") at 9 p.m. on April 28. The film also stars Cloris Leachman. We'll be there!
Schneider, by the way, has been making yet another horror film right here in Georgia, the All-John blog also reports. The film is called "Conjurer," and Schneider has been on location this month in West Georgia / Carrollton / Decatur. Learn more here:
BRBTV News Blog Blip: Check out The (Fort Myers) News-Press for another installment of the coverage of "Legends," starring our divas Linda Evans and Joan Collins of "Dynasty."
Thursday, April 19, 2007
John Schneider, "You've Got a Friend"!
"You've Got a Friend," according to Hallmark's press info, is the story of a recently orphaned boy who moves to a new town to live with his aunt and uncle, then finds an unlikely mentor in the town loner (hmmm ...), who helps him build the soapbox racer he dreamed of making with his dad. Schneider joins little-guy Dylan McLaughlin, Jason Brooks, Kate Connor and Bitty Schram in the cast.
The Hallmark movie, which has the alternate title "Derby," premieres on Saturday, June 9 at 9 p.m. It repeats on Friday, June 15 at 9 p.m. It's directed by James A. Contner, who has worked on "Jane Doe," "Charmed," "The Dresden Files" and lots of other great TV stuff. We're working on getting you some art of the movie from the Hallmark offices.
Meanwhile, Hallmark is the place to catch some great classic stars, anyway. On May 28, they're featuring a marathon of "Walker, Texas Ranger," which stars the lovely Sheree J. Wilson, April Stevens Ewing of "Dallas." You can catch a repeat of "Sacrifices of the Heart" (also referred to as "Spring Thaw"), starring Ken Howard of "Dynasty," at 9 p.m. Saturday, June 16.
BRBTV News Blog Blip: Eric Radomski, one of the creative geniuses behind "Batman: The Animated Series," is launching a new show of his own creation. "Iconicles," aimed at little tykes, features a troupe of iconic animal characters that spring to life in their own digital world, appearing in comedic animated stories, games and musical interludes. Read a bit more here.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Katy Keene, The Web return to Archie Comics this summer

Fresh from the excitement of ARCHIE & FRIENDS #107, where Katy Keene starred as the Web's love interest in a mega-blockbuster movie production, Katy is back for another issue of high-flying heroics! In “Four Color Fun,” Katy is clearly a hero to the many fans who show up to meet her at the mammoth California Comic-con, where she's promoting her epic "Web Returns" film. While there, she sets out on a comics quest of her own that's sure to be as thrilling as her celluloid exploits!
Since her comeback in a special story created exclusively for Free Comic Book Day 2005, Katy has been entertaining fans in the pages of ARCHIE & FRIENDS. The Web recently had a comeback of his own, on the website in a serialized story called “AJVB & The Web,” as well other website features. He was also a prominent figure when the super-heroic Mighty Crusaders guest-starred in the pages of Archie's Weird Mysteries.
Together, the team of Katy Keene and the Web is reminiscent of the Mighty Comics days when The Web was married to his ever-concerned wife Rosie, who when she wasn’t henpecking him due to his dangerous spandex-life and lack of attention, donned a costume herself and joined her husband just for some togetherness! While it’s Katy who takes center stage here to the “fictional” Web, fans of Archie’s “ultra heroes” comics will still get a kick out of seeing one of the most popular heroes of yesteryear star in the latest “super-film” to hit the multi-plex!
IT'S ANOTHER SUPER-HEROIC ADVENTURE FOR THE QUEEN OF THE CATWALK! "Four Color Fun": SCRIPT AND ART: Andrew Pepoy. PLUS: "Living Lodge": Mr. Lodge decides to put his handheld daily reminder device to the test by giving one to each of Veronica's friends… only who's going to remind Archie to actually use it? SCRIPT: Angelo DeCesare. ART: Stan Goldberg.
On sale newsstand June 19, 2007
32-page, full-color comic

BETTY #164
“Custard’s Last Stand”: When Betty and her friends learn that their neighborhood ice cream man is being run out of business by a large chain, they repay his years of kindness by performing at his store to attract customers! SCRIPT: Angelo DeCesare. ART: Stan Goldberg.
“Outdated But Not Outdone”: The Internet-friendly Cooper sisters are shocked when Polly gets an actual “snail mail” letter … until they read the postmark and realize it was sent 10 years ago! SCRIPT: Kathleen Webb. ART: Stan Goldberg.
“Take the Cake”: Betty is happy to make a cake for the charity bake sale … but can she get it past her hungry father and clumsy boyfriend intact? SCRIPT: Mike Pellowski. ART: Stan Goldberg.
On sale newsstand April 24, 2007
32-page, full-color comic
The spotlight is on the wonderful cast of Archie supporting characters, in this double digest featuring new stories and classic tales. SCRIPT & ART: Various talents. BONUS: Puzzles, games and your chance to “Find Your Name in Print!”
On sale newsstand April 24, 2007
Full-color digest format
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Billy Dee Williams scrubs up for the "Night Shift"
Described only as a "man with a haunted past," Williams joins a host of current "GH" stars in the nighttime spinoff, which begins production this month and premieres in July.
Read more about it at SoapNet's official press release:
Another "Dynasty" star, meanwhile, is working on getting his own new show. Evertan George Hamilton, our own Joel Abrigore who tormented poor Krystle to no end, is in the running to replace icon Bob Barker on game show "The Price is Right":
Hamilton is up against "Entertainment Tonight" cohost Mark Steines and Las Vegas' "The Price Is Right" stage show host Todd Newton for the job. Barker has been at the "Price" helm for 35 years.
Monday, April 16, 2007
'69 Dodge Charger stars in new Tarantino film
Tarantino is a "Dukes" fan himself (remember the "CSI" episode he directed, which featured characters playing a "Dukes" board game?) and a friend of James Best, our own Rosco P. Coltrane. It's no wonder he would bring the make and model of the General Lee into his new filmwork.
"I sold numerous parts to the company that built the cars for the film," says Chad, who works for Year One in Metro Atlanta, "and I thought it was really cool seeing the cars along with the cast, especially Kurt Russell!"

"In the pic, left to right is actress/stuntwoman Zoe Bell, myself, Kurt Russell and actress Tracie Thoms. The second photo is of Bell and Thoms sitting on the hood of Kurt Russell's 'Death Proof' killing machine ... a 1969 Dodge Charger. (Notice the 'rubber duck' hood ornament!)"

Chad goes on, "The Charger(s) that Kurt Russell drives are pretty neat and have a few connections with other television shows/movies from the past. For instance, the rubber-duck hood ornament that graces the hood of the Charger is a tip of the hat to the old '70s trucker film 'Convoy' as the main character had that same ornament on the hood of his semi. The license plate on Russell's Charger(s) is also tip of the hat to another 'car flick' of the '70s ... 'Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry' starring Peter Fonda. Fonda also drove a '69 Charger in that film and Tarantino saw it fit to give his 'Death Proof' Charger the exact same license plate number as the one on the car that Fonda drove.
"Last, but not least, Russell's Charger(s) also give nod to the General Lee from 'The Dukes of Hazzard' as all of the cars used wore American Racing's reissued 10-spoke 'Vector SE' wheels. Pretty cool, huh?"
Yea, Chad, that's pretty cool ...
Friday, April 13, 2007
Olivia Newton-John as Pamela Ewing? reports that Newton-John is in negotiations right now to get the role. Travolta has weighed in on the topic:
"We've had talks and I think she'd be great playing Pam Ewing. She loved the TV version and was delighted with the idea too. The movie should get shooting later in the year," Contactmusic quoted Travolta as saying.
BRBTV News Blog Blip: Remember Lonnie Quinn as Rich Landers on "Santa Barbara"? He just scored a new job at WCBS Channel 2 in New York. A meteorologist, Quinn comes to the TV station from WTVJ in Miami. See a photo of Quinn at, and read more about what he's been doing since his "SB" days at
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Victoria Principal on "Good Morning America"
Principal also has several upcoming QVC appearances to promote her Principal Secret skin-care line on Tuesday, April 24, 2007:
- 1 a.m. to 2 a.m. EST
- Noon to 1 p.m. EST
- 9 p.m. to 10 p.m. EST
To learn more about her beauty products, check out her official website.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Ken Howard roams into "Still Waters" and more
An Untitled Cynthia Cidre Pilot could be coming to a CBS affiliate near you this fall. It's a TV series featuring some big names like Rita Moreno, Jimmy Smits and Hector Elizondo. It's about a Latino family operating a rum business in South Florida, with Smits at the head of the family. Howard's character's name is Joe Samuels. Learn a little more about the pilot in this piece.
Howard takes a darker turn in the thriller "Still Waters," which is classified as in postproduction. He plays Conrad in the film, which is about a young married couple that "encounters a stranger who threatens their marriage and their lives." It's written and directed by Carolyn Miller.
In "Smother," Howard, as Gene Cooper, shares the screen with lovely rocker-spawn Liv Tyler and film icon Diane Keaton. The plotline from the IMDb: "What would you do if your mother moved in with you and just wouldn't leave? When NOAH COOPER, 29, is fired from his job as a therapist, he thinks his day can't possibly get worse. When he arrives home his already full house gets even crazier when MARILYN, Noah's overbearing mother arrives with her five dogs in tow needing a place to stay. Comedy ensues as Noah learns to deal with the pressures of finding a job, a wife who desperately wants a baby, and worst of all a mother who won't quit smothering!" The comedy is written and directed by Vince Di Meglio and was reportedly filming in L.A. earlier this year.
Howard suits up with Sydney Pollack and George Clooney in "Michael Clayton," written and directed by Tony Gilroy. The drama movie has this plotline at the IMDb: "A New York attorney learns that after 15 years of cleaning up his high-profile clients' problems, they can come back to haunt you, in what will be the last and worst days of his career." Howard plays Don Jefferies. Clooney and Pollack also produce the film. A rumored release date for the Warner Bros. film, classified as completed, is September 28. Learn lots more at's page for the film.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Tom Wopat talks "Dukes" on "Just My Show"
Wopat touches on several aspects of our beloved "Dukes" in the online interview, including his views on celebrity and his real-life closeness to on-screen cuz John Schneider.
"To me, I have never really been one to hang with celebrities. That's not my deal," he says. "When I'm hanging with John, we're like brothers. We spent a lot of time together through seven years."
Wopat even talks about the General Lee and the story behind those "bolted" doors, as well as the controversy surrounding that confederate flag. Listen to the whole interview at
There also have been some dates added for Wopat's run of "Chicago: The Musical." The schedule:
April 13-15
Fox Theater - St. Louis, Missouri
April 17-18
Classic Center - Athens, Georgia
April 20-22
Ruth Eckerd Hall - Clearwater, Florida
May 1-6
The Centre in Vancouver for Performing Arts - Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
May 11-13
Milwaukee Theatre - Milwaukee, Wisconsin
May 14-21
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
May 29-June 3: Keller Auditorium - Portland, Oregon
June 7-17: - Dallas, Texas
Thanks to Sheri, "the web girl" of, for the tipoff!
Monday, April 09, 2007
Archie Comics marks 65 years with reprinted original story

Can it be so? Is Archie really 65 years old? You bet! The saga of everyone's favorite comic book teen began way back in December 1941, with Archie's very first story in PEP COMICS #22 (December, 1941). A mere year after his auspicious debut, the redheaded wonder was awarded his own title with ARCHIE COMICS #1 (Winter, 1942). Now 65 years later, the Archie characters remain one of the longest-running groups of continuously published characters of all time! Is it any wonder? Archie and his friends have entertained six generations with timeless tales of the trials and triumphs of growing up! Along the way, they've represented the fads, fashions and attitudes of America 's youth. This has led to an enormous following and spin-off projects such as countless animated series and licensed merchandise. Truly, Archie and his friends are a cherished American institution.
Now a special issue of ARCHIE DIGEST pays tribute to Archie’s illustrious past by reprinting Archie’s very first adventures from PEP COMICS #22 and ARCHIE COMICS #1! From Archie being a hapless showoff when Betty moves into town, to Archie being a tongue-tied, discombobulated wreck when Veronica moves into town, these early stories written by Vic Bloom and others reflect the free-wheeling fun of the popular screwball comedy movies of the day. Not to mention the charmingly exaggerated cartooning styles of Bob Montana and others so popular in the 1940s. As if that weren’t enough, the original “funny animal” supporting features like Squoimy the Woim, Cubby the Bear and Bumbie the Bee-tective, from the legendary Joe Edwards are also included! If you’ve never seen Archie and his friends as they originally appeared, you’re in for a treat with these milestone tales … as well as a brand new story created in homage to the gang – “When Archie Meets Archie”: On the eve of his 65th anniversary, Archie Andrews meets … himself! At least, the version of himself that appeared in Archie’s first story! After Archie gets used to calling his other self “Chic,” he ends up meeting the vintage Jughead and Betty, too – also drawn 1940s style! The space-time continuum has never seen anything like this! Celebrate Archie’s 65th anniversary in the best way possible – read this digest and take a hilarious walk down memory lane!
ARCHIE DIGEST #236, ships July 4, 2007. Full-color digest format, $2.49. SCRIPTS AND ART: Vic Bloom, Bob Montana, Fernando Ruiz, Rex Lindsey and more!
Elsewhere in Archie Comics ...
"Sneaking & Snacking": Banished from the Lodge's high class party, Jughead waits in the bushes with a sack, waiting to catch the food Archie tosses out the window! Little does he know a robber is also waiting, hoping to capture the valuables his accomplice tosses out the window! "Eyesore": A new shirt from his aunt sends Jughead's friends reeling… must be that hypnotic circular pattern! "Alias… the Claw!": Here's a story that will really "grab" you – always on the lookout for new ways to be lazy, Jughead buys a spring-loaded claw! SCRIPTS: Craig Boldman. ART: Rex Lindsey.
On sale newsstand April 10, 2007
32-page, full-color comic

"Red Carpet Romance": When Archie wins a date with super-hot pop star Ashlee Simpleton, the other guys… as well as Betty and Veronica… are green with envy! And it turns out they actually have something to worry about, as Ashlee's "approval rating" soars after dating a "typical teen!" Urging Ashlee to continue dating Archie, Ashlee's agent makes the couple the darlings of the press as Archie's friends wonder if they'll ever seem him again. But can Archie handle a relationship that's constantly under siege from reporters and photographers?! SCRIPT AND ART: Fernando Ruiz. PLUS: Other new and classic tales! SCRIPT AND ART: Various talents. BONUS: Puzzles, games and your chance to "Find Your Name in Print!"
On sale newsstand April 10, 2007
Full-color digest format
Friday, April 06, 2007
BRBTV birthdays in April
- Billy Dee Williams, our own Brady Lloyd of "Dynasty," turns 70.
- Judith McConnell, second and longtime Sophia Capwell on "Santa Barbara," turns 63.
- Jane Rogers, the lovely Heather Donnelly on "SB," turns 47.
- Marilu Henner, who voiced vivacious redheaded socialite Veronica Vreeland on "Batman: The Animated Series," turns 55.
On Easter Sunday, April 8, we've got a couple more:
- John Schneider, the unstoppable Bo Duke of "The Dukes of Hazzard," turns 47.
- Robin Wright Penn, the lovely original Kelly Capwell on "SB," is still such a young'un at 41.
And the rest of the month ...
- Lee Bergere, the long-suffering and perhaps twisted Joseph Aynders of "Dynasty," was born April 10, 1918 and died on January 31 of this year.
- Joel Grey, the unforgettable Adam who taunted J.R. in the series finale of "Dallas," turns 75 on April 11.
- Howard Keel, the ever-responsible Clayton Farlow of "Dallas," was born on April 13, 1919 and died on November 7, 2004.
- Terry Lester, who was the second Mason Capwell on "Santa Barbara," was born on April 13, 1950 and died on November 28, 2003.
- Ron Perlman, voice of Clayface on "Batman: The Animated Series," turns 57 on April 13.
- Loretta Lynn, who gets some credit with BRBTV even though her time on "The Dukes of Hazzard" was brief, turns 72 on April 14.
- Lois Chiles, that slinky ole Holly Harwood on "Dallas" (we always wanted her hair; it was so fluffy and cool), turns 60 on April 15.
- Michael Ansara, the voice of Dr. Victor Fries / Mr. Freeze on "Batman: The Animated Series, turns 85 on April 15.
- Peter Mark Richman, one of our favorites and certainly an amazing BRBTV quadruple-shot for his time as Andrew Laird on "Dynasty," Maynard Anderson on "Dallas," the first C.C. Capwell on "SB" and even the voice of Charles Baxter on "Batman: TAS," turns 80 on April 16.
- Byron Cherry, who stepped in as Coy Duke in the fifth season of "The Dukes of Hazzard," turns 49 on April 17.
- Timothy Gibbs, our own Dash Nichols of "Santa Barbara, turns a very young 40 on April 17.
- John James, our Jeff Colby of "Dynasty," turns 51 on April 18.
- Bob Hastings, who voiced Commissioner James Gordon in "Batman: The Animated Series," turns 82 on April 18.
- Dick Sargent, who stepped in as Sheriff Grady Byrd on "The Dukes," filling in for Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane, was born on April 19, 1930 and died on July 8, 1994.
- Christopher Mayer, our other replacement Duke as Vance in "The Dukes," and a BRBTV double-shot as T.J. Daniels on "SB," turns 52 on April 21.
- Steve Bond, our own Mack Blake on "SB," turns 54 on April 22.
- Nancy Lee Grahn, our own Julia Wainwright of "Santa Barbara" who's now turning in good time as Alexis Davis on ABC's "General Hospital," turns 51 on April 28.
Happy birthday!
Thursday, April 05, 2007
"Dallas" returns to UK television, Season 7 DVD on schedule
The fanzine also tips off to the release of the next DVD set for "Dallas." has the press release from Warner Bros. It releases on July 31 and includes a special feature on the music of the show. The DVD set will retail for $39.98.
BRBTV News Blog Blip: Thanks for the heads-up in the Get_SB_on_TV Yahoo group ... Roscoe Born, our sinister Robert Barr and even-more-sinister twin Quinn Armitage of "Santa Barbara," will return to the soaps world with a new role on NBC's "Passions," beginning April 23. Read more about it at the TV Guide site. The soap, which NBC has cancelled, might be moving to DIRECTV in the fall.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Billy Dee Williams in "Barry Munday"
"Barry Munday" is currently in production. Starring Luke Wilson, it's about a guy who "wakes up after being attacked to realize that he's missing his family jewels. To make matters worse, he learns he's facing a paternity lawsuit filed by a woman he can't remember having sex with," according to the IMDb plotline. Williams, who plays a character named Lonnie Green, joins a cast that includes Lily Tomlin, Dianne Wiest and even Colin Hanks, whom we loved quite a lot on the WB's "Roswell." The movie is based on the book "Life Is a Strange Place: A Novel" by Frank Turner Hollon. It comes from Prospect Pictures and was scheduled to film this spring (now, in other words).
Read more in a little blurb on Williams here.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Ray Wise is heavy into the action
"One Missed Call" is classified as in post-production, scheduled for U.S. release on January 4 of next year. This one's a horror thriller directed by Eric Valette and written by Yasushi Akimoto and Andrew Klavan. The plotline from the IMDb: "In this remake of the Japanese horror film "Chakushin Ari" (2003), several people start receiving voice-mails from their future selves -- messages which include the date, time, and some of the details of their deaths." Wise's character name is Ted Summers. The filming has included a foray right into BRBTV's backyard in downtown Atlanta, Georgia.
"Burn Notice" is a pilot for ordered from Fox for the USA Network. Wise plays Pyne and is joined by Bruce Campbell, Gabrielle Anwar and Sharon Gless for the action drama, about a spy who's been recently disavowed by the U.S. government and who uses his special ops training to help others in trouble. Read a little more about it at
Wise's "Colbys" co-star Kerry Armstrong, who played Elena, Duchess of Branagh, joins him for "Reservations," written and directed by Aloura Melissa Charles. The IMDb's plotline: "A castaway, surrounded by water, suffers the most miserable thirst. The same ironic ache haunts lonely souls in the congested city of New York. But on this night, at a hotel, several strangers reach out and connect." Wise plays Mitch, while Armstrong will portray Hellen.
Sean Connery's son Jason Connery directs "Pandemic," which is completed and which this blog mentioned last August. Wise plays General Matthews in the thriller. "It's set in a small New Mexico town and a virus hits the town," Connery was quoted as saying on the 360 Pump website. "Initially, it's thought to be in the water, and it travels from livestock to people, which is obviously quite pertinent at the moment, with avian bird flu. In this small community, the Army arrive and close the whole place down and there's a progression of events."
Monday, April 02, 2007
Mourning the loss of Jack Gordon
Paul Harrington of the Canadian Dukes of Hazzard Fan Club operated a Yahoo group in tribute to Gordon and was one of his close friends. Gordon was scheduled to appear at Paul's cancer benefit, the Hair Dare Dukes Days, this August. Paul has renamed his Yahoo group in memory of Jack:
"I don't understand why," Paul said about Gordon's death, "as Jack looked really good when we were there the week before. He was feeding himself, and we even got some video clips of Jack." Paul snapped the photo of Jack below a few months ago.

Besides campaigning against Rosco P. Coltrane for sheriff in the "One Armed Bandits" episode of "The Dukes," Gordon starred in the film "Jaws of Satan" in 1981 and "They Went That-A-Way & That-A-Way" in 1978. He appeared at the Hair Dare Dukes Day event over the years, as well as the early DukesFest, to sign autographs and chat with "Dukes" fans. Gordon is survived by his wife, Janet.
There's a nice message string, with many photos, in memory of Gordon at the Confederate General Lee Fan Club board.
Gordon is the second death in the "Dukes" family in the past few weeks, as car builder Rich Sephton passed away on March 14. BRBTV sends prayers and condolences to the families of Jack Gordon and Rich Sephton.