Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Robin Wright Penn might be in a Christmas mood

It's only the day after Christmas, and already Robin Wright Penn, our beautiful original Kelly Capwell of "Santa Barbara," is thinking about next Christmas. More specifically, she's thinking about a new version of "A Christmas Carol" starring Jim Carrey as Scrooge and the three Christmas ghosts. At least it's rumored she's thinking about it.

Penn is up for a role in the Robert Zemeckis update of the Charles Dickens classic, according to the IMDb. Rumors have a star-studded array attached: Gary Oldman, Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Bob Hoskins. We'll see how things shake out for this one as the next couple years pass; it's not scheduled for release until November 2009.

Penn, meanwhile, is so busy and quick that she's got other stuff on her rap sheet since we last checked in. With "The Private Lives of Pippa Lee," based on the novel by Rebecca Miller, she portrays the title character. Winona Ryder and Julianne Moore are also in this one. There's a website that tells a little more about this story:

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