The idea was hatched about a year ago, spearheaded by avid fan Phyllis Hinkle, and many folks joined in, supplying reminiscing essays and photos for John's reading enjoyment to mark the big day. What "The Dukes" have meant to them, and in particular, what John has meant to them, were popular topics in the highly personal and quite touching letters submitted for the project. The result? The 145-page, oversized, paperback, glossy-cover and full-color book "Dear John."
This is an item you won't see for sale in your favorite bookstore, as it was designed purely to be this once-in-a-lifetime gift (though those who participated were offered an opportunity to purchase a copy). Photos of General Lees and fans posing with Schneider abound throughout the pages. BRB also participated, supplying a couple photos of herself in her dazyduks at age 13, a big-time fan of the show back then.
The gift made its way to Schneider earlier this week.
"THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!" he enthused in his email newsletter. "To everyone who participated in my wonderful, moving birthday book, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. I will read every word, look fondly at every picture and relish in the memories they bring. Thank you!"
Meanwhile, it's full-speed ahead on various other projects in Schneider's life. Some tidbits from the man himself ...
- "Back 9" is finished, funny and hopefully going to take the airwaves by storm. I warn you that everything about it is raunchy. I warned you!
- "Hot in Cleveland" was a blast and has been picked up. I'm just a guest star on the pilot but may come back in the future.
- "WWJD" is great I hear. Ask about it in your church or look online.
- "Wildthings 4" - What can I say. I had a great time and I think you'll like my part!
- "Demolition Men" (was "Crash Dummies" ) will air on Spike the evening of April 27. Please get as many people as you possibly can to watch this!!! I am not on it but am and executive producer/creator on the show and I need it to be picked up! It's stunt based and fantastic!
1 comment:
I was so happy when I found out about the BDay book for JRS. I have been an ultra passionate fan since I saw him when I was 10, but am much too shy to have taken a photo with him. I am an ultra passionate Star Wars fan and worked out so that I could do the Celebration V convention and lost 40lbs. To motivate myself to reach my goal weight, I have promised myself that I will get a photo and autograph with JRS. If I chicken out or not, he will be my special motivation. Thanks John
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