Monday, January 24, 2011

A "Dynasty" prequel movie? Sounds like crazy-cool fun!

Thanks to Dennis at the "Dynasty" Facebook group, as well as the Plastic Retro Blog and Coming Soon (have we forgotten anybody?) for the heads-up on this one ...

A "Dynasty" feature film is being planned, and the movie will reportedly take a prequel approach -- focusing on the Carringtons and Colbys in the '60s, which is decades before their lives were chronicled in the '80s classic primetime soap. Creators Richard and Esther Shapiro are citing another one of BRBTV's absolute fave shows, AMC's "Mad Men," as their inspiration. We couldn't be more delighted, and we love this fresh new idea!

"We’re going to do a lot of coloring outside the lines," Richard Shapiro says. "The movie will be the old 'Dynasty,' of course, but with horns."

Great! Sounds like it won't be the truly dreadful comedy / parody approach of so many other feature-film remakes of classic properties.

The film could go into production next year.

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