Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Another season of new "Dynasty," another update to the Kindle edition of "Dynasty High"

This author is not terribly keen on updating books once they're published -- when it's done it's done, is the ideal paradigm. But sometimes it's warranted, such as when a new version of the TV show in question continues to charge on through the seasons. It was true for "Dallas," and now the past couple years it's been true for "Dynasty." And the CW's new version of the "Dynasty" series has really been rockin' it, even if this third season was cut short in production due to the coronavirus quarantines.

A sixth edition of BRBTV's "Dynasty High" has just been released on Kindle (not in print, however) to incorporate the third season, 2019-2020, of the CW's show. I hope you'll enjoy reading about the continuing trials and tribulations of the Carringtons and Colbys in their modern setting, and I always welcome feedback at brb@brbtv.com.


Unknown said...

It's not currently available.

BRBTV.com said...

Yep, it is. If it wasn't working for you before, it is now.