It'll be about 50 sites over 87 miles of country, event organizer Jon Holland tells BRBTV. It'll include fun stuff like the original Boar's Nest (now a church! holy cow!) and the town square in Covington, used as the downtown setting for Hazzard in those first five episodes that filmed in Georgia. The big day is Saturday, March 4, with a special trip to where the show's original mechanics hang out on Sunday, March 4 (you know they had to have some good mechanics, to keep all those '69 Dodge Chargers runnin'). The registration and check-in are at the Holiday Inn Conyers, 8 a.m. on Saturday, then we'll all meet back there at 7 p.m. BRB will be there to sign copies of the brand-spankin'-new print version of the "Them Dukes! Them Dukes!" book! We'll also watch the first two "Dukes of Hazzard" episodes, on a 1979 tape (with commercials), for old time's sake, and there'll be raffles and auctions of great stuff like authentic General Lee and sheriff's car doors.
A cool $35 entry fee will help out the Rainbow Ministries Charity, which Jon tells us helps out many needy people in the community.
Who knows -- if lots of y'all show up, maybe this will become yearly, like a second DukesFest! We're sure Ben Jones won't mind!
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