An indulgence of great classic television by journalist and author Billie Rae Bates.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Kerry Armstrong takes "A Journey Into Dance" says, "Razzle Dazzle is a fly-on-the-wall film about the tears, tantrums and tiaras in the world of competitive dance eistedfods." Ummm ... OK! (Perhaps they meant "eisteddfods," which, according to, is "an annual competitive festival of Welsh poets and musicians.")
Directed by Darren Ashton and written by Robin Ince and Carolyn Wilson, the comedy was listed as in postproduction this past December.
For more information, check out: There also was evidently an official website for the movie,, though it was inactive at post-time.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Update on Audrey Landers' movie
Well, now, Audrey Landers has passed along to BRBTV a little bit more info about the film. "We do not yet have an airdate for 'Circus Island,'" she said to answer our initial question, "but we are recording more songs to add to the soundtrack album -- songs performed and written by myself, Daniel, my 12-year-old son, who already has hits in Europe, and Lindsey and Kristy, Judy Landers' beautiful and talented daughters."
We'll keep you posted on anything else we learn about "Circus Island" and other projects the Landers have going. You can also visit their production company website,
Monday, May 29, 2006
BRBTV birthdays this week
- Adrian Paul, who was Kolya (Nikolai) Rostov on "The Colbys," turns 47 today, May 29.
- Ted McGinley, the handsome Clay Fallmont on "Dynasty," turns 48 tomorrow, May 30.
- Omri Katz, the bright John Ross Ewing III on "Dallas," turns a young 3-0 tomorrow, May 30.
- Robin Mattson, the second and perhaps liveliest Gina DeMott-Capwell-And-On-And-On on "Santa Barbara," turns the big 5-0 on Thursday, June 1.
- David Haskell, the long-suffering Nick Hartley on "SB," was born on June 4, 1948 and died on August 30, 2000.
Friday, May 26, 2006
Motor City Mania: And the award for the nicest celebrity goes to ...

Photo by Billie Rae Bates / BRBTV
BRBTV asked Cornell if she ever keeps up with her "Too Close for Comfort" costar, Deborah Van Valkenburgh (who was the less-beautiful brunette sister and foil to Cornell's buxom blond character). Cornell said the two have filmed a movie together called "Venus Conspiracy," in which they once again play sisters, only this time their relationship is a mite bit more sinister! She said they're hoping to get it released in the next year.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Motor City Mania: John Wesley Shipp
John Wesley Shipp may be the 1990s "Flash" to the rest of the TV viewing world, but in the BRBTV realm, he's Martin Ellis from the 1987 slice of "Santa Barbara." Shipp, who's no stranger to daytime TV, anyway, with earlier roles on CBS' "The Guiding Light" and "As the World Turns" and later spins on ABC's "One Life to Live" and "All My Children," was recognized by the Daytime Emmys for his guest stint on "SB." He was named the Outstanding Guest Performer in the 1987 awards.
At the Comic Con, this 6'4" star of the WB's "Dawson's Creek" and "JAG" was tanned, nicely cut, still so handsome and wonderfully friendly as he signed autographs and chatted with fans ...
Photo by Billie Rae Bates / BRBTV
We're also hittin' the BRBTV birthdays today:
- Al Corley, the original (and hunkiest) Steven Carrington on "Dynasty," turned the big 5-0 on Sunday, May 22.
- We had three BRBTV birthdays on this past Tuesday, May 23: Mark Arnold, the second and final Joe Perkins on "Santa Barbara," turned 49; Joan Collins, the unforgettable Alexis on "Dynasty," made the 73 mark; and her sometimes-rival Tracy Kendall on "Dynasty," Deborah Adair, turned 54.
- Priscilla Presley, the third and final Jenna Wade on "Dallas," turned 61 yesterday, May 24.
- Eric Close, who was Sawyer Walker on "SB," turned a so-young 39 yesterday.
- Barbara Stock, Liz Adams on "Dallas," will be the big 5-0 tomorrow, May 26.
Happy birthday to all!
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Motor City Mania: The "Dukes" do Detroit!
Paul and Cheryl Harrington of the Canadian Dukes of Hazzard Fan Club once again brought a wonderful cacophony of "Dukes" memorabilia to the Motor City Comic Con in Novi, Mich. Besides the General Lee, which was a required guest, of course, they displayed a Hazzard County Sheriff's boat, two Hazzard County Sheriff's cars (one from the TV series and one from last year's motion picture) and their traveling "Dukes" museum trailer. Step inside, and you see all kinds of cool props from the TV series as well as a wealth of signed photos and other great stuff. On the outside, he has all sorts of fun "Dukes" collectibles for sale, including the more-obscure stuff like a Mego Boss Hogg and a UK-released paperback novel from the series. It's a smorgasbord for the "Dukes" nut!
Paul has every "Dukes" star he meets sign the trunk of his General, as you can see here.
BRB, of course, signed copies of the newly released "Them Dukes! Them Dukes!" fun-fact guide to the show. Along the way, BRB had fun chattin' with hard-core "Dukes" fans Jason and Don, who came along with Paul and Cheryl on this trip, and Mike, who brought a fabbo KITT ("Knight Rider") car. Thanks, guys, for making this "Dukes" display a great one for the fans!
This photo by Scott Bates;
other photos by Billie Rae Bates / BRBTV
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Motor City Mania: Charlene Tilton
Our own little Lucy, Charlene Tilton, also made the trip to Metro Detroit for the Motor City Comic Con. Under a bright banner calling "Dallas" the "highest-rated TV series of all time," Tilton was set up in the TV and film star area with a full array of photos to autograph, some Lucy Ewing shots, some magazine covers, etc. When BRBTV asked Tilton what she's got going on for projects right now, she said, "I'm producing 'The Tammy Faye Bakker Story.'" Ah ... a TV movie, then? "It's a feature."
Asked about her favorite Lucy Ewing storyline, Tilton laughed, threw her hands up in the air and said, "Who knows! There are so many!"
Nestled right next to the table of longtime Detroit TV legend The Ghoul, Tilton was autographing "Dallas" DVD sets for $50, as well as the typical 8-by-10 glossies for $25, and items that attendees brought with them for $15.
Photos by Billie Rae Bates / BRBTV
Monday, May 22, 2006
Motor City Mania: John Saxon
First up, the gracious and personable Mr. John Saxon, who played Rashid Ahmed on "Dynasty" ...
Now, this guy, you know as soon as you see him in person, has one of those "I've seen him in something! I just know it!" faces. He's familiar, that's for sure. Could be those hundreds of TV and film roles listed on his IMDb page! "Bonanza," "Night Gallery," "Gunsmoke," "The Rockford Files," "Wonder Woman," all of our favorites and more, spanning five decades. Of course, for us "Dynasty" fans, this familiar face takes us back to the mid-'80s and a certain storyline involving Middle Eastern intrigue and oil leases and the lovely, vixenish Joan Collins.
What was it like to work with Joan Collins? BRBTV had to ask.
"I remember we were having lunch," he said, "and I wasn't really good friends with her at the time. We sat at lunch and talked, and she was just getting started in her career. She was very concerned about getting jobs and asking me all these questions about jobs."
Saxon also reminisced about the AIDS scare of the 1980s, which haunted the "Dynasty" set with the shocking revelation about Rock Hudson, who played a love interest to Linda Evans' character Krystle. In the midst of the AIDS hysteria in Hollywood, Saxon said, Collins was skittish about their romantic scenes. "She didn't want to kiss anyone."
Saxon, who also starred on primetime soap "Falcon Crest" as the father of Lorenzo Lamas' character (now there was some informed casting! Meow!), told BRBTV that of all the wealth of acting he's done, the role that stands out for him is his spin as Chuy Medina in 1966's "The Appaloosa," alongside Marlon Brando.

Photo by Billie Rae Bates / BRBTV
Friday, May 19, 2006
Be sure to check out the Motor City Comic Con
If you're in Metro Detroit or can make it to Metro Detroit, come check it out, and be sure to visit the giant "Dukes of Hazzard" display, where BRB is, of course, signing copies of "Them Dukes! Them Dukes!" We'll be posting some photos from the show next week. Charlene Tilton of "Dallas" is there, along with John Saxon, who played Rashid Ahmed on "Dynasty." Definitely something for everyone. Oh, and there's a few assorted comic books, too! See our May 2 post for a little more ...
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Kevin Bernhardt writes next "Rambo" movie
The plotline from the IMDb: "Vietnam vet John Rambo is forced to emerge from his reclusive lifestyle and take justice into his own hands after a girl goes missing." The film's script has recently been the topic of discussion in the forum on its IMDb page.
Besides that whole acting thing, over the years, Bernhardt's other writing credits have included "Fear of Flying" in 2000 and "Five Aces" in 1999. He's also been working on the movie adaptation of Billy Tucci's popular comic-book chick action hero "Shi."
Interesting trivia tidbit: Bernhardt was once married to the former Prince's "Purple Rain" star Apollonia Kotero.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
It's a summer of love in "Santa Barbara"
On May 27, BarbarianTV is beginning a new Saturday-night clip series, "Santa Barbara After Dark: Summer Nights." Each week, they'll post for your downloading pleasure "a particularly scintillating montage or clip" celebrating the more passionate moments of the show. Click to it at
Then, beginning in June, the site will present the love story of Kelly Capwell and Joe Perkins, circa summer 1984:
At the same time, "SB" fans can show their support for the campaign to get the show back on the air on a channel such as SoapNet: The leader of the Get_SB_on_TV Yahoo group, Lisa, has wristbands / bracelets available for sale to help awareness. The bracelets sell for $3 each (includes first-class U.S. shipping) or two for $5. Some of them have already been sent to the folks at SoapNet!
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
BRBTV birthdays this week ...
- Nina Arvesen, "Santa Barbara"'s long-suffering Angela Raymond whom you kinda had to keep your eye on, turns 45 today, May 16.
- Richard Hatch, who put temptation in the face of Claudia Blaisdel as Dean Caldwell on "Dynasty," and also was a brief original Stephen Slade on "Santa Barbara," turns 61 on Sunday, May 21.
Happy birthday to both!
Monday, May 15, 2006
Stephanie Beacham takes on "Love and Other Disasters"
The plot line from the IMDb: "An American intern at U.K. Vogue helps her friends find love." Beacham plays Felicity Wentworth in the movie. Gwyneth Paltrow and Brittany Murphy also star. The film is written and directed by Alek Keshishian.
One of the film's crew members has posted a few photos:
Friday, May 12, 2006
"Dallas" movie gets a new director
"But it's set today and all the characters are much more extreme versions of how we remember them," she said.
Chadha replaces director Robert Luketic, who left the project last month. To read the BBC's whole story:
Chadha is also attached to direct a movie version of Larry Hagman's other big show, "I Dream of Jeannie," ironically. Longtime novelist and prolific TV writer Sidney Sheldon, originator of the 1960s TV series, is involved in the writing of the project, as well.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Michael Brainard's got a couple on deck
The other project has some bigger names attached to it, namely Marky-Mark Wahlberg (one of BRB's faves, if she does say so herself). In "Invincible," a Disney flick due in theaters August 25, Wahlberg plays a Philadelphia Eagles fan who, when he loses his wife and his job, decides to show up for an open tryout for the team. Brainard plays an Eagles coach in the film, directed by Ericson Core (who's done work on "The Fast and the Furious") and written by Brad Gann. Greg Kinnear makes an appearance in the film. To see the trailer, visit:
Also check out And Brainard keeps you apprised of the stuff he's got going on, at his own website:
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
BRBTV birthdays this week ...
- Denver Pyle, the venerable Uncle Jesse of "The Dukes of Hazzard," was born on May 11, 1920, and died on December 25, 1997.
- Karen Cellini, who took over the role of Amanda Carrington on "Dynasty," celebrates her 48th birthday on Saturday, May 13.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Spotted: Scott Jaeck
Last night, however, this actor with the pretty good acting chops, pretty distinctive gray hair and pretty confusing last name turned up on none other than BRB's massively favorite new show, "Prison Boys." Ooops, er ... we mean, "Prison Break"! (And thanks, Fox, by the way, for taking an impossible premise and making a dynamite show out of it! ... But is D.B. doing to be OK? We really like him! And John! We like him, too! C-Note rocks, too. The way he and D.B. started to respect each other ... And the brothers ... oooooh the brothers ... we won't even go there!) Anyway! In a previous episode and in last night's episode, he's played a slimy secret-agent type. Last night he iced one of the good characters. Yikes! Rock on, Mr. Jaeck!
BRBTV News Blog Blip: Priscilla Presley, former Jenna Wade on "Dallas" but better known as Mrs. Elvis, just gave the final four contestants of "American Idol" a special tour of Graceland, as we lead up to tonight's phase of the competition, which will have them crooning Elvis Presley songs.
Monday, May 08, 2006
See My Lee!
This blog reported a couple weeks back that a company in Flint, Michigan, called Hardcore Racing was going to jump a General Lee. Well, Hardcore actually listed their General Lee (built by General Lee Enterprises, by the way) on eBay as an "as is" auction of the car in whatever condition it would survive this jump (a jump televised for use by the Discovery Channel, no less):
Wanna see what happened? Behold ... the before and after photos, below. And definitely check out Hardcore Racing's website,, to see the actual video of the April 29 jump, which featured original "Dukes of Hazzard" stunt guy Tom Sarmento, among others.
Now, if that's not fun, tell me what the heck is???????

Friday, May 05, 2006
Look for John Allen Nelson this fall
A new drama series featuring Nelson is queued up at Fox for this fall. "Vanished" is the story of a senator's wife who comes up missing. It's just been picked up for Fox's slate of shows for the new season.
The series comes from Josh Berman, a writer for "CSI." Mimi Leder is directing. Nelson, who's signed on as Senator Jeffrey Collins, is joined in the cast by Rebecca Gayheart and Joanne Kelly.
To read more visit:
The hourlong drama format has certainly been the Texas-born Nelson's forte since leaving "SB." He's done stints on very early "Baywatch," as well as "Quantum Leap," "Matlock," Murder, She Wrote" and even the current season's "24."
Coming next week: Another installment in our "See My Lee" feature, and this one is fun!
Thursday, May 04, 2006
A look at Season 5 DVD of "Dallas"

According to, the DVD set contains a single featurette, "A Living Landmark, a Tour of the Real Southfork Ranch."
The actual release date for the fifth season DVD is August 1.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
"Dynasty" reunion highlights
The setting was casual, though the dress was certainly nice (Joan Collins and Linda Evans in Nolan Miller, of course). Cast members gathered at the Filoli mansion, filming site for the Carrington mansion scenes in the show, and chatted over champagne, their conversation interspersed with clips from the series. Collins arrived through the Filoli's front door and was greeted by Evans, who'd just come down the grand staircase. After the first commercial break, they were joined by Pamela Sue Martin and Al Corley, also descending the staircase. Gordon Thomson later entered boldly through the double doors. After subsequent commercial breaks, Catherine Oxenberg came down the stairs to join the group, then Collins and Evans chatted about their catfights (and a montage of the show's catfights was shown with Pat Benatar's "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" playing over it -- that was fun). John Forsythe finally made his appearance at the end of the reminiscing. Interview clips of other cast members, such as Pamela Bellwood and Emma Samms, were also shown.
Joan Collins
"My most exciting time in 'Dynasty' was when we became the No. 1 show. We loved the enthusiasm that everyone had for the show. ... We felt we were invincible."
To Evans: "I think not just you and me, but John, were pivotal parts in it (the show). You had this great relationship all the way through the show."
On Alexis: "I'm constantly defending her, because I liked her, and so did the audience."
On the Moldavian Massacre: "We had no idea who was going to live or die." (Evans then mentions the sprinkling of blood on the actors in the massacre scene.) "The more blood we had, the less chance we had of coming back."
To Evans: "Those catfights, I'm still in agony over all of them. ... Let's drink to the catfights! And you always started them. I always said, Alexis doesn't fight with her fists, she fights with her tongue. ... The first one was the pillow fight. The feathers flying all over the place. And at the end, what was it that you said?" (The clip is shown: "If you want a rematch, just whistle, if you can.") ... "The fight scene that everyone seems to remember the most is the lily pond. ... When I went into the water, that was my stunt girl again!"
Linda Evans
"I think that everybody's under the illusion that if you're rich you have no problems, and we showed them complex lives."
"What an amazing, amazing life experience. I wouldn't have changed it for anything in the world. How wonderful to have experienced it. How wonderful to have lived it."
To Collins: "People always thought of us as archetypes. ... I think we represent both sides of every woman. ... I must say I don't think 'Dynasty' would have been the success it was without you."
"You have to admit that after five years, they had no idea what to do with our characters. I had to play my double, have a Southern accent and red hair."
To Collins, on the catfight with Krystle's "twin," Rita: "That was probably one of the most difficult things I'd done in my life. ... It was exhausting. I must say, it's much more fun beating you up! ... You were threatening to my life, to my husband, to someone that I love. And I would allow you and allow you, until one day you crossed over that threshhold."
Gordon Thomson
"One of the nastiest things Adam ever did, and one of the toughest things I found to do, inside, was rape. ... I really was a son-of-a-b--ch."
"I must say, bad and evil as I appeared to be, I couldn't hold a candle to you, Joan."
On the Moldavian Massacre: "I was given a joke T-shirt: 'I survived Amanda's wedding.'
John Forsythe
On Blake: "He was such a strong character, so varied, so multifaceted."
"Joan Collins was a tremendous plus to the show. I expected she was going to be good, but not to the extent that she was."
"At the airport, I was bustling along, and this woman stopped me and she hit me with her purse. I asked her what's wrong, and she said, 'I don't like the way you're treating Krystle!'"
Pamela Sue Martin
On leaving the show: "I just felt like I'd been inside a studio for a long time and it was time to get outdoors."
On Forsythe: "He treated me like a daughter because (smile) ... I was always misbehaving."
Catherine Oxenberg
To Collins: "You're the first person to turn the word 'b--ch' into a compliment. ... She used to call me Little B--ch, and I called her Big B--ch."
Al Corley
On leaving the show: "There are a lot of pressures in doing TV shows and a lot of pressures from sponsors. ... I just felt it was hard to go any further with the character."
"I had no idea how important this character was to a lot of people."
To Collins: "My favorite over-the-top, when I was on the show, was when you killed Lloyd Bochner." (Laughs, then the clip is shown of Cecil's love-nest heart attack) "You said you liked being on top!"
Jack Coleman
"At first I tiptoed around a little bit like, oh, I'm the new Steven."
Emma Samms
"'Dynasty' was about a very rich family, and the joy of it was, it didn't make them happy."
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
"Dukes" ride high at the Motor City Comic Con
The Canadian Dukes of Hazzard Fan Club, based in Ruscom Station, Ontario, Canada, will display the General Lee, along with two Hazzard County Sheriff's cars modeled after the vehicles used in the originial series and in the 2005 motion picture. The fan club will also feature its traveling "Canadian Dukes of Hazzard Museum" at the Novi comic con, which is in a new location this year, the Rock Financial Showplace. The show runs May 19, 20 and 21.
Paul Harrington is founder / president of the Canadian Dukes of Hazzard Fan Club and a lifelong "Dukes" fan. He's heading up the "Dukes" display. Harrington, who had a role as an extra in the 2005 "Dukes" film, has been displaying his "Dukes" collection since 1997.
"This year will be the largest 'Dukes of Hazzard' display that I have ever put together in one place, including props from the original TV series and the 2005 movie, and I'm pulling many friends into this with their TV and movie star cars," Harrington says. He purchased his own 1969 Charger in 1991 in Georgia, where the first five episodes of the show were filmed.
A hard-core "Dukes" fan through and through, Harrington is pals with Jerry Rushing, the actor, author and former moonshiner who was the inspiration behind the "Dukes," has met all of the "Dukes" stars over the years and even featured a "Dukes"-inspired car chase in the May 2000 wedding to his wife, Cheryl! Harrington is founder and president of the Jerry Rushing Fan Club in which Rushing's daughter is an active member. Harrington works as a licensed mechanic in Essex, Ontario, at Elford & Stowe Ltd., where some of the display cars have been built.
BRB is delighted that Harrington asked her to be part of his "Dukes" display. She'll be signing copies of "Them Dukes! Them Dukes!" on the Saturday of the show, and possibly on Sunday, depending on how things work out. To learn more about the fact book, which includes cast list, character guide, episode guide and lots more (and really, you probably know the deal by now, if you're a reader of this blog), click on the link from the home page.
Besides the "Dukes" display, the Motor City Comic Con will feature a huge 40th anniversary celebration of the TV show "Batman," with appearances by several of the show's stars: Adam West, Burt Ward, Yvonne Craig, Julie Newmar, Lee Meriwether and Malachi Throne. An original Batmobile will be there, along with a Batcycle, Batcomputer and other goodies.
"We're the first convention to have this many 'Batman' cast members brought together at one time," says Gary Bishop, event organizer. "And we're the only show this year that's celebrating the show's 40th anniversary."
The Motor City Comic Con runs 1:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Friday, 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday. For more information about the show, visit For more information about the Canadian Dukes of Hazzard Fan Club, visit
Monday, May 01, 2006
Websites offer peek into "Dynasty" reunion
Also check out, which has a nice array of press release info and photos from the special:
BRBTV News Blog Blip: Thanks to the who reader reported that "The Tillamook Treasure," starring our own Julia Campbell (Courtney Capwell of "Santa Barbara") won the Outstanding Achievement in Film, Family Feature Award at 2006 the Newport Beach Film Festival last night.
Spotted: This morning, while BRB was on that ole stairstepper, and watching a vintage black-and-white episode of "The Twilight Zone" (one of her very favorite shows, you understand), there, in the flesh (sorta) was an amazingly young James Best of "The Dukes of Hazzard," playing a Western type in a Western-type episode of the show, entitled "The Grave." Best was side-by-side with Lee Marvin in this tale of a man who must confront his fear of an old nemesis by visiting his grave to win a bet. Marvo! But then, we always knew that Best's pre-"Dukes" resume is quite impressive, and quite colored with Wild West roles.