An indulgence of great classic television by journalist and author Billie Rae Bates.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Pamela Sue Martin speaks out about hair loss
"My hair was always thin, but at some points in my life, such as when I was working on 'Dynasty,' it got more severe," she told the U.K.'s Daily Mail. "What made things worse was that it was the era of big hair. The 'Dynasty' producers insisted I wear a wig when I started the show in 1981."
But that wasn't the only stress-aggravated symptom the actress struggled with. "During 'Dynasty,' I was washed out and developed pneumonia," she said. "I had a fever and a chesty cough. I had to go to hospital and take antibiotics. I recovered, but whenever I am stressed, I now get pneumonia. I developed it shortly after I left the show in 1984 and again when my son was two."
You can read the whole candid story of the 54-year-old actress here:
Monday, July 30, 2007
Dana Delaney joins fellow Lois Lane on "Desperate Housewives"
Her interpretation of Lois is bold and brassy, confident and attractive, and so very brunette. It's not unlike the interpretation Teri Hatcher gave on the '90s "Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman."
How ironic, then, that Hatcher and Delaney will soon be working on the same hit TV show. Delaney is scheduled to join the cast of ABC's "Desperate Housewives" this fall. Read more about the Lois Lane connections on the Superman Homepage.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Military vehicles will roll into "Dukes" event -- for a good cause!
A display of seven real military vehicles of the Canadian armed forces is the latest feature being added to the weekend event, which happens August 10-12 in Ruthven, Ontario, Canada. Coy and Vance Duke (Byron Cherry and Christopher Mayer) will be there, along with Sheriff Little, Mr. Don Pedro Colley, entertainer Paul Casey, and BRB herself signing copies of "Them Dukes! Them Dukes!" It's not just a great "Dukes of Hazzard" event -- it's a great "Dukes of Hazzard" event for a great cause, fighting cancer! Admission is a nice, low three bucks.
Bring an extra memory card for your camera, because the photo ops are going to be robust, to say the least! Take this little beauty below, for instance ... You guessed it, that's the ride of the aforementioned Sheriff Little, the Chickasaw County Sheriff's car from "The Dukes." It's just one of the many fun cars (along with tons and tons of General Lees!) you'll see at the show.
Photo courtesy of Paul Harrington
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Steve Kanaly does a live chat on Monday
The Ultimate Dallas site will feature another live chat with the "Dallas" stars, and this time it's the rugged, handsome Southfork foreman and long-lost Ewing son, Ray Krebbs. Kanaly will be online to answer your questions at 7 p.m. EST this coming Monday, July 30.
Here's the link:
And thanks to the folks at -- it's not always easy to track down these busy stars and get their time!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
"Batman: The Animated Series" crew does it again with "Justice League" DVD movie
"The New Frontier" is based on a 2004 six-issue miniseries comic, and it follows Supes and the gang from the end of World War II through the Cold War. The DVD will be released in February of next year, but it's just another item that adds value to the rockin'-biggest comic con of the year. And the "B: TAS" presence is definitely there: Timm is producing, while Stan Berkowitz worked on the script.
And the cast of "The New Frontier"? It has to be described, quite frankly, as out of this world ... David Boreanaz of "Bones" and "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" as Hal Jordan / Green Lantern, Brooke Shields as Carol Ferris, Neil Patrick Harris as Barry Allen / Flash, Lucy Lawless as Wonder Woman (holy-heckin'-cow, who had THAT great idea? give 'em a gold star!), Kyle MacLachlan as Clark Kent / Superman, and Phil Morris, who portrayed Martian Manhunter this past season on the CW's "Smallville," as King Faraday. We're signed on, for sure!
And, just to ensure that this is a continuation of the "B: TAS" legacy, Shirley Walker is doing the music and Andrea Romano the casting. Read more about the DVD and its San Diego run here:
BRBTV News Blog Blip: Speaking of "B: TAS" (and we don't mind speaking about it at all!), remember that episode "Showdown," with Ra's Al Ghul in a western setting, along with a slightly more obscure DC character by the name of Jonah Hex? Well, Hex is getting his turn in the spotlight -- Warner Bros. has just announced a film project for the disfigured bounty hunter, from the crew that brought us the movie "Crank."
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Archie makes AOL's list of cartoon band faves
Here's what the press info says about Arch and the band ...
Coolest Cartoon Rockers: No. 3

When They Rocked: 1968-69
The Archies were the Beatles of virtual bands -- innovators whose sugary hooks and catchy choruses spawned a legion of inferior imitators (The Bedrock Rockers, Jabberjaw). The Riverdale High quintet scored several hits in the late '60s, but 'Sugar, Sugar'-- the No. 1 song of 1969 -- remains the band's claim to fame.
Coolest Cartoon Rockers: No. 4Josie & the Pussycats
When They Rocked: 1970-74
The Go-Go's, L7 and every other female rock group in history has Josie & the Pussycats to thank for leading the charge. The feline power trio looked adorable, rocked hard and still had time to solve crimes between gigs. A limited-edition CD of the group's songs was released in 2001, shortly after Rachel Leigh Cook donned Josie's ears for a live-action big-screen adaptation.
The complete list, from
AOL's 10 Coolest Cartoon Rockers
1) The Chipmunks
2) Gorillaz
3) The Archies
4) Josie & the Pussycats
5) Bart Simpson
6) Fat Albert and the Junkyard Gang
7) Dethklok
8) Jem & the Holograms
9) Crazy Frog
10) Faith + 1
Elsewhere in Archie Comics ...
“Caved In”: Veronica is mortified when Betty takes her cave exploring – until she sees the hunky tour guide! Surprises and dangers await in this thrilling tale!
“Childish Pursuits”: The boys give Betty and Veronica a hard time over their fondness for the hot new anime series, “Fairy Princess Bluebell.”
“Really Gifted”: In this touching tale, the girls learn about a catalog where they can purchase clean water, food and other needs for those living in impoverished countries. SCRIPTS: Kathleen Webb. ART: Jeff Shultz.
On sale newsstand August 14, 2007
32-page, full-color comic
“Mission Improbable”: With Jughead helping his mother man their booth at the bake sale, do the delicious desserts stand a chance? That’s a chance Jughead’s Mom would rather not take, so when she has to leave her post, its maximum security lockdown for the cake Jug’s had his eyes on. But with a little help from one of Dilton’s inventions, Jughead just may take the cake… literally! SCRIPT: George Gladir. ART: Bill Galvan. PLUS: Other new and classic tales! SCRIPT AND ART: Various talents. BONUS: Puzzles, games and your chance to “Find Your Name in Print!”
On sale newsstand August 14, 2007
Full-color digest format
“The Dream Job(?)”: Veronica gets a job interning at Trend Magazine for a very demanding boss reminiscent of a certain Prada-wearing film fatale! SCRIPT AND ART: Dan Parent.
“Madame President”: Veronica dreams about becoming President… until Betty fills her in on the facts behind her fantasy! SCRIPT: Barbara and Samantha Slate. ART: Dan Parent.
On sale newsstand August 14, 2007
32-page, full-color comic
Monday, July 23, 2007
Christopher Atkins has new movie projects
"The Hard Ride" is a western that just began production earlier this year. Atkins has the juicy role of George Custer (he can't be that old!) in this tale, which has this plotline from the IMDb: "Action and death follow a legendary gunfighter and his close friends to 1876 Deadwood, Dakota Territory." Thadd Turner directs, writes and stars in the flick. Filming locations include Bonanza Creek Ranch in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where lots of good westerns have been filmed. The movie has a scheduled release date in May of next year. It comes from Talmarc Productions. Turner himself has written a nice synopsis of the film at
The character name of Wild Bill may make Atkins' other project, "Blind Ambition," sound like a western, too, but it's actually classified as a romance / teen comedy. Atkins doesn't have much big-star company in this one, either, which is listed as in post-production and scheduled for release this year. It's directed by Bala Rajasekharuni and written by Alpesh Patel. reports more on the film.
Also this year, Atkins appears in "Chinaman's Chance," and here he gets some great co-stars: Ernest Borgnine, Olivia Hussey, fellow primetime sudser Lorenzo Lamas, Coolio, Theresa Russell.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Get your pledges in for these Hair Dares ...

"After finding out that my mom has cancer, I decided to cut my 15" ponytail off for Wigs for Kids, and raise money at the same time for the Canadian Cancer Society," Harrington says. "That was back in July 2003. This August 2007, marks our fifth annual HAIR DARE DUKES DAY WEEKEND CAR SHOW & SWAP MEET & HAIRCUTTING EVENT."
Harrington found a way to combine one of his favorite things in this world, "The Dukes of Hazzard," with a cause that means a great deal to him. This year's event is August 10-12 in Ontario, and BRB will be there signing copies of "Them Dukes! Them Dukes!" See the event poster, with all the crucial details, in the July 3 post of this blog.
You can make a pledge at this site, and Paul has set a goal of $25,000:
To make this truly a family affair, though, Paul's daughter Sarah is also in on the act. She's got some really long hair that she's willing to cut for the cause. Her own goal is $2,500, and she's been working hard to get pledges and has already brought in some good ones:
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Billy Dee Williams in New Jersey, Susan Howard on the Net ...
Check out the con's site at to learn more. The Fonz will also be there -- now that rocks, too -- as well as fellow classic TV stars Cindy Williams and Robert Vaughn. It all happens at the Crowne Plaza Secaucus in Meadowlands, N.J.
BRBTV News Blog Blips:
- DC Comics announces that Paul Dini and Bruce Timm of "Batman: The Animated Series" have joined forces in a volume collecting the miniseries comic of BATMAN: HARLEY AND IVY. "Also included is the special: HARLEY AND IVY: LOVE ON THE LAM by Judd Winick and Joe Chiodo," the press info says, "plus a newly colored story from BATMAN BLACK AND WHITE VOL. 2!"
- Susan Howard, our own Donna Krebbs of "Dallas" will be answering questions live on the Internet this evening on the UltimateDallas site. It starts at 6 p.m. EST. Click over to
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Coming up in Archie Comics ...

“Stop the Press”: When the editor of the school paper learns Marcy is Veronica’s cousin, she decides to use Marcy for the ultimate scoop. Just wait until this calculating journalist learns there’s nothing like a Veronica besmirched! SCRIPT AND ART: Dan Parent.
On sale newsstand July 17, 2007
32-page, full-color comic
“Greener Pastures”: Sabrina is dismayed when Harvey prepares to visit his grandparents’ farm for the summer and pushy Hemlock asserts herself in the Four Blades movement. Her dismay soon turns to delight when she’s invited along to the farm, but is she prepared for the revelation that awaits her there? It’s more magical romance and intrigue as only Sabrina can deliver! SCRIPT AND ART: Tania del Rio .
On sale newsstand July 17, 2007
32-page, full-color comic
It’s double-decker sandwiches and double-trouble as the irrepressible Jughead tilts the laugh-o-meter in this uproarious collection of new stories and classic tales! SCRIPT AND ART: Various talents. BONUS: Puzzles, games and your chance to “Find Your Name in Print!”
On sale newsstand July 17, 2007
Full-color digest format
PART ONE OF A TANTALIZING TALE OF INTRIGUE!“Civil Chores Part One”: It’s a story that may just set the teens of Riverdale asunder! Archie goes on strike to protest the many chores/low allowance imbalance, and finds he has a lot of allies prepared to join him in his cause. But when Jughead realizes a raise for Archie means more dates with the girls and less time to hang with him, he forms an uneasy alliance with Riverdale’s sneakiest and shiftiest. Will these monetary politics prove to be a triumph or tribulation for Riverdale’s teens? The first part of a two-part story to be continued next issue. SCRIPT AND ART: Fernando Ruiz. PLUS: Other new and classic tales! SCRIPT AND ART: Various talents. BONUS: Puzzles, games and your chance to “Find Your Name in Print!”
On sale newsstand July 31, 2007
Full-color digest format
“The Magic Touch”: Jughead reveals his latest sweet skill – the ability to un-stuck/un-clog/un-jam anything with a well-placed…. well, see for yourself! “The Ties that Bind”: Jughead convinces Archie that time spent tying a tie is best spent bettering the world! “Thrills & Spills”: A slippery floor and a pot of beans – the typical recipe for an Archie pratfall, only you won’t believe the pair that are falling this time! SCRIPTS: Craig Boldman. ART: Rex Lindsey.
On sale newsstand July 31, 2007
32-page, full-color comic
"Father Knows Best": Archie runs a foul of Mr. Lodge while visiting Veronica. From sitting on the couch playing guitar to watching television or a movie, will Archie ever be able to spend time with Veronica without Mr.Lodge watching over them? SCRIPT: George Gladir. ART: Jeff Shultz (Pencils) and Al Milgrom (Inks).
PLUS: Other new and classic tales! SCRIPT AND ART: Various talents. BONUS: Puzzles, games and pin-ups.
On sale newsstand August 7, 2007
Full-color digest format
BETTY #167
“Cloud 9”: A kiss from Archie sends Betty afloat… literally… in this whimsical tale! SCRIPT: Craig Boldman. ART: Stan Goldberg.
“Nothing to Do”: Betty visits Veronica to fight the summer doldrums, and learns just how valuable having “down time” can be! SCRIPT: George Gladir. ART: Stan Goldberg.
“Falling Apart”: With fall just around the corner, Betty laments the passing the summer… or does she? SCRIPT: Kathleen Webb. ART: Stan Goldberg.
On sale newsstand August 7, 2007
32-page, full-color comic
“Record Breaker”: Instead of pressing CD’s, the Archies decide to sell downloadable files of their songs on the internet… which doesn’t translate to much profit once the 3 purchased files are shared over and over again! SCRIPT: Craig Boldman. ART: Stan Goldberg.
“Friendly Fire”: Tired of the girls fighting over him, Archie decides giving up both Betty and Veronica will save their relationship.... but can it save Archie from the girls’ wrath?! SCRIPT: Kathleen Webb. “Canoe Help Us?”: Archie takes Veronica for a one-way canoe ride… unintentionally one-way, of course! SCRIPT: Mike Pellowski. ART: Stan Goldberg.
On sale newsstand August 7, 2007
32-page, full-color comic
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Jon Lindstrom finishes screenplay, and more
The first is "The Sitter," a Lifetime TV movie that also features William R. (Billy) Moses. In the thriller, Lindstrom plays Tate Walker. "Directed by Russell Mulcahy, it’s a thriller about a quintessential American family and the stranger who insinuates herself into their lives," Lindstrom's official website says. Gail O'Grady stars, as well. The movie was set to air on Lifetime earlier this month.
"The Double Born" is "a claustrophobic thriller about two murderous friends, used by a desperate woman who they dangerously underestimate," according to the IMDb. It's based on a Bram Stoker short story. Lindstrom portrays Ephraim in the film, classified as in postproduction. It's directed and written by Tony Randel, with help from Peter Atkins.
Lindstrom tries his hand at writing and producing for "The Hard Easy," which features hotties David Boreanaz ("Buffy the Vampire Slayer," "Angel" and "Bones") and Nick Lachey. Lindstrom's tale is about "two separate teams of jewel thieves, one low-rent and one upscale, both desperate, converge on the same score at the exact same time, and a simple job turns out very complicated and very bloody." Bruce Dern and Gary Busey join that great cast.
To keep up to date on Lindstrom's career, check his official website, launched just last year.
BRBTV News Blog Blip: The Los Angeles Times reports on a special tribute to Barbara Stanwyck, our Connie Colby of "Dynasty" and "The Colbys," on what would have been her 100th birthday.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Merete Van Kamp returns to acting with three new projects
The Danish sweetie has three new projects brewing for 2007, the first since a brief acting stint a decade ago. One is "Westbrick Murders," a crime drama scheduled for release at the end of this year. She plays Rebecca Sommerson in the film, written and directed by Shaun Rana with filming locations in England. The story deals with a young rookie cop who must cross paths with two notorious serial killers. Hottie Eric Roberts (recently so smashing on NBC's "Heroes") also stars.
Also on tap for Van Kamp is "Craig," another thriller flick with roots in Denmark, like our actress, who portrays a character named Leila. The plotline from the film's IMDb page: "Craig is left all by his own when his parents die in a fire, and when he loses his medication, his world is turned into terror and fear." Craig is played by Kim Sønderholm, who's also writing and directing this one. The production company is Apotheosis Film, with filming locations for this one in Denmark. The film has a MySpace page, where you'll see a photo of Van Kamp.
The trio of projects rounds out with "Næste skridt" (translated "next step"), where Van Kamp plays Jordemoder. The plotline from the IMDb: "Thomas, Dennis, Mads, Søs and Kirsten have all been friends through many years in spite of their differences. In common for them all is the big step they need to overcome to enter adulthood." Sønderholm joins her in this film, as well, portraying Thomas. This one also films in Denmark, for Ursa Major Productions. It's written and directed by Morgan Nørgaard.
BRBTV News Blog Blip: Speaking of "Dallas," visit to sign up for your chance to win one of several copies of the seventh-season DVD they're giving away.
Friday, July 13, 2007
See My Lee! (Bike!)
Photos courtesy of Paul Harrington
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Archie Comics will be meeting and greeting in San Diego, too
It all happens in the San Diego Convention Center the weekend of July 26-29; room locations are noted ...
Thursday noon to 1 p.m.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
BRBTV birthdays in July
- Signy Coleman, our Celeste DiNapoli of "Santa Barbara," who also did an 1987 episode of "Dallas," turned 47 on Independence Day.
- Rosemary Forsyth, the original Sophia Capwell (and Dominic) of "SB," and Anne McFadden on "Dallas," turned 64 on July 6.
- Grant Goodeve, who was Chris Deegan on "Dynasty," also had a birthday on July 6, turning 55.
- Kimberly Foster, who portrayed Michelle Stevens on "Dallas," is our third July 6 birthday, turning 46.
- Sandy Ward, who played Jeb Ames on "Dallas," was born on July 12, 1926, and died on March 6, 2005.
- Dale Robertson, who was Walter Lankershim on "Dynasty" and Frank Crutcher on "Dallas," turns 84 on July 14.
- Ken Kercheval, our unforgettable Cliff Barnes of "Dallas," turns 72 on July 15.
- Barbara Stanwyck, the legendary film star who was Constance Colby on "The Colbys," was born on July 16, 1907 and died on January 20, 1990.
- Diahann Carroll, the songstress who vexed Alexis as Dominique Devereaux on "Dynasty," turns 72 on July 17.
- Audrey Landers, who was Afton Cooper on "Dallas" and a couple roles on "The Dukes of Hazzard," turns 48 on July 18.
- George Dzundza, the voice of the Ventriloquist on "Batman: The Animated Series," turns 62 on July 19.
- Paul Burke, the second C.C. Capwell of "Santa Barbara," who also did a memorable turn on "Dynasty" as Neal McVane, turns 81 on July 21.
- Art Hindle, who brokered babies as Jeff Farraday on "Dallas," turns 59 on July 21.
- Lenore Kasdorf, the lovely Caroline Wilson on "SB," turns 59 on July 23.
- James Best, our own Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane of "The Dukes of Hazzard," turns 81 on July 26.
- Keenan Wynn, the second Digger Barnes on "Dallas," was born on July 27, 1916 and died on October 14, 1986.
- Sasha Mitchell, another "Dallas" alum as long-lost Ewing son James Beaumont, turns the big 4-0 on July 27.
- Lloyd Bochner, who was Cecil Colby on "Dynasty," was born on July 29, 1924 and died on October 29, 2005.
- David Warner, who was the commanding and ghoulish Ra's al Ghul on "Batman: The Animated Series," turns 66 on July 29.
- Ben Piazza, our own Walt Driscoll of "Dallas," was born on July 30, 1934, and died on September 7, 1991.
- Susan Flannery, who played Leslie Stewart on "Dallas," turns 64 on July 31.
- Lane Davies, the unforgettable original Mason Capwell on "Santa Barbara," who showed up on "Dallas" as Craig Gurney, also has a birthday on July 31, turning 57.
Happy birthday to all!
BRBTV News Blog Blip: Some of our "Dallas" faves came out for a special charity auction of the series' memorabilia in France. Larry Hagman, Linda Gray, Patrick Duffy, Steve Kanaly and Charlene Tilton helped auction the items, which included a Stetson hat worn by J.R. and some cowboy boots worn by Bobby. Read more at the BBC site.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Tracy Scoggins, Jack Coleman: See you in San Diego
Coleman will participate in a Q&A session with his "Heroes" castmates at 12:45 p.m. on Saturday, July 28 at the show. A clip from the show's second season will also be shown.
Scoggins will join the panel discussion of "Babylon 5: The Lost Tales" after a showing of footage from the film, which releases at the end of the month. That panel happens at 6 p.m. Friday, July 27.
And, just to make this comic-con a BRBTV triple-shot, Bruce Timm, executive producer/director/writer of the new "Superman Doomsday" animated film and executive producer/director/writer and whatever else for our beloved "Batman: The Animated Series," will also appear. He'll be part of a panel discussion accompanying the showing of the "Doomsday" film at 8:30 p.m. on Thursday, July 26. Timm's partner in crimefighting Paul Dini will also attend the con (guess that makes it a quadruple shot, eh?).
To see the full schedule, check out the site, or the San Diego Comic-Con International official site.
Monday, July 09, 2007
Next for Maxwell Caulfield: "La Cage aux Folles"
The production at the summer theatre in Ogunquit, Maine, is based on a play by Jean Poiret, which was also made into a hit film. Caulfield will portray Georges, and he'll share the stage with former Miss America Susan Powell, who also has some suds in her background -- she was Cora on CBS' "Guiding Light."
Caulfield, points out, also starred in the Broadway production of "An Inspector Calls" and Off-Broadway productions of "Entertaining Mr. Sloane," "My Night with Reg" and "Salonica" as well as touring productions of "The Elephant Man" and "Sleuth."
For more info, see the Ogunquit Playhouse's website.
Friday, July 06, 2007
See My Lee! Another U.K. edition!
Photos courtesy of Stephen Gallantree
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Tracy Scoggins' new "Babylon 5" movie releases
"Babylon 5: The Lost Tales" concerns a series of events set after the TV show. "Sheridan prepares for a fateful Babylon 5 reunion that could prevent Earth's impending doom ... if he will also compromise his core principles," the promo says. "Meanwhile, commander Lochley confronts an unexpected interloper on the way station -- a being whose presence makes the B5 freeport the crossroads between heaven and hell." Bruce Boxleitner stars with Scoggins, who reprises her role as Elizabeth Lochley. The DVD's extras include director J. Michael Straczynski's diary of the film's production.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Hair Dare Dukes Days offer a star-car paradise
One big part of the show, which is the fifth annual event and which has expanded to two days this year, is the star-car quotient. It's big, if the below list is any indication!
C'mon out on August 10-12, and you'll not only meet Byron "Coy Duke" Cherry, Christopher "Vance Duke" Mayer, Don Pedro "Sheriff Little" Colley, BRB herself and Paul Casey, Vegas (and DukesFest) performer extraordinnaire, but you'll also meet the following ...
**At least 15 General Lees!**
3 Hazzard County Sheriff cars from the series
Hazzard County Sheriff car from the 2005 movie
Hazzard County Sheriff boat
Daisy Duke "Dixie" Jeep
"Carnival of Thrills" two-part episode car
Chickasaw County Sheriff car
Double Zero Mustang
The Colonel car
"Dukes of Hazzard" memorabilia museum
K.I.T.T. car from "Knight Rider"
Batman boat from '60s series
"Lost in Space" robot
"Starsky & Hutch" Torino
"A-Team" van
"Mad Max" Falcon
"Smokey and the Bandit" Trans Am
And can we just note that a good share of these cars are owned by chicks! Yeee-haaaa!
Have you picked up that extra memory card for your camera yet?

Monday, July 02, 2007
Fredric Lehne: "Claire" and more

Lehne then takes a scholarly turn in "Apology," a tale of coed Sophie Hoffkind, who's "in search of her sexual identity," and who "spins into crisis after she sleeps with her professor and he unexpectedly dies the morning after," the IMDb says. Lehne portrays Professor Michael Slateman. The drama, from Longtale Films, is written and directed by Leah Yananton and is classified as in postproduction.
Also this year, Lehne has had a recurring role as a janitor and demon (!) on the CW's creepfest "Supernatural."
Photo: Kevin Lynch/© 2007 Crown Media; courtesy of the Hallmark Channel