Friday, August 21, 2015

Terrific TV Toys on Wheels: Munsters Koach

Whew, it's been a busy week on the BRBTV News Blog, and we're glad it's Friday! Let's celebrate with another great Terrific TV Toy for grown-ups, shall we?

At last weekend's Woodward Dream Cruise, the Munsters Koach replica that calls Metro Detroit home was on a mission. It desired a particular signature on its dash, and the particular person to provide that signature was appearing at the Dream Cruise, most specifically near Nine Mile and Woodward at the Ferndale stretch of the cruise. That particular person was Butch Patrick, aka Eddie Munster of classic TV's "The Munsters."

Patrick owns his own Munsters Koach replica, actually, but don't be confused. The Koach you see moving along Woodward Avenue in the latest installment of the Terrific TV Toys series is the former, and the Koach you see sitting next to Patrick's signing table is the latter. Oh, and then there's a fab reproduction of Grandpa's Dragula car from "The Munsters," to boot. That's Patrick's too. It makes for a fine display at events like this!

This is the second episode in our special Terrific TV Toys on Wheels series -- look for more in the coming weeks and months.

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