Friday, December 15, 2006

Jack Coleman's new show gets some Golden Globe attention

"Heroes," the new NBC series featuring our own Jack Coleman (second Steven Carrington of "Dynasty"), has been nominated for a Golden Globe Award for best drama series. Coleman's co-star on the show, Masi Oka (BRBTV's own favorite on the series -- he very-innocently devours every scene he's in!) has been nominated for best supporting actor.

There are other connections to BRBTV shows in the Golden nominations:

- Brad Pitt, who was Charlie's bad-guy boyfriend Randy on "Dallas," stars in "Babel," up for best motion picture. Pitt is nominated for best supporting actor for "Babel."
- Another best-picture nominee, "The Queen," stars James Cromwell, our own Gerald Kane of "Dallas."

The Hollywood Reporter has your full list of nominees here.

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