An indulgence of great classic television by journalist and author Billie Rae Bates.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
An urgent appeal from "Santa Barbara" star Nicolas Coster
For 34 years I have taught and transported physically challenged scuba divers at my own expense including at that time, Viet Nam veterans. I can no longer assume all that expense myself. In the past two years, we have had some help from other sources. Two years ago, I started a plan to teach wounded veterans from the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars to scuba dive. Since the beginning,and with recent documentation, (provided on request) we have seen the incredibly positive therapeutic effects of this activity.
We enlisted the participation of the Veterans Administration in Los Angeles and have been for four months teaching a pilot class, the first of its kind in Los Angeles for severely wounded veterans. We were financed for that class with a generous grant from the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation.
We cannot simply drop this class and the end of the actual course, nor can we halt the momentum on that which we have achieved thus far. The Veterans Administration professionals are extremely enthusiastic with the results observed in growing self-esteem, memory improvement and a brighter outlook for the future in our wounded veterans as a result of this training. It is unthinkable to stop now.
We have an able staff and the officers and board for Challenges. We are all volunteers. ALL money goes to the cause and the necessary expenses. WE NEED YOUR HELP to continue this most valuable work for our men and women who have sacrificed so much for our country. There are no politics involved.
These are tough times but we are doing what we can. We are simply “giving back” something to those who have given so much. Please help today with whatever amount you can. The address is:
Challenges Foundation
732 North Martel Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90046
Nicolas Coster
President and Founder, Challenges Foundation
Monday, September 29, 2008
There's always room for ... more Happy Meal toys!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Midge and Moose break up? Say it ain't so!

Yes, it’s another four-part tale of intrigue in Archie Comics … and this time, Moose and Midge’s romance hangs in the balance!
The action starts in PALS-N-GALS DOUBLE DIGEST #125’s “Break-up Blues.” First came Betty and Veronica’s “Bad Boy Trouble,” followed by Jughead dealing with a bunch of “Match Makers.” Now, the latest story to portray the famous Riverdale teens in a realistic style is here … and it may spell the end of one of the longest-running romances in Archie Comics history!
Feeling confined by Moose’s possessive nature, Midge decides to try an experiment – namely dating Reggie! We all know this will make Moose fly off the handle, but this time it won’t have an “all’s well that ends well” resolution.
Can Archie and his friends help pick up the pieces of this shattered relationship, or is it better to leave them where they lay?
2007’s “Bad Boy Trouble” set the comics world on its ear as the teens were depicted in a realistic style. This year’s “Match Makers” continued the look and kept people talking. Now veteran penciller Tod Smith and journeyman inker Al Milgrom carry on that look in what is sure to be the most explosive Archie Comics story of the year!
SCRIPT: Melanie J. Morgan. ART: Tod Smith (pencils) and Al Milgrom (inks). PLUS: Other new and classic tales! SCRIPT AND ART: Various talents. BONUS: Puzzles, games and pin-ups!
On sale on newsstands: October 14, 2008
Full-color digest format
$3.69 U.S.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Bits 'n' Pieces: Doctor, dancer, dastardly villains!
Just about as soon as he left his role as David Chow on "The Young and the Restless," Vincent Irizarry, our own Dr. Scott Clark on "Santa Barbara," has a new daytime soap gig. The Brantford Expositor reports on his return to a role he played on ABC's "All My Children," Dr. David Hayward (what's all this doctor stuff?) during the fall season. Irizarry is included in ABC's special "AMC" promo commercials this week.
Susan Lucci: Busy, busy, busy
Sigh ... a primetime reality-show gig on top of a longtime daytime soaps gig. Such is the tragic life of Irizarry's castmate Susan Lucci, our own Hillary Taylor / Sheila Foley of "Dallas." She tells Carolyn Hinsey of the New York Daily News: "I will have to fly out to L.A. every Saturday for fittings and rehearsals for 'Dancing With the Stars.' I'll have the two shows on Monday and Tuesday, and then fly back to New York City on Tuesday night to tape 'All My Children' Wednesday, Thursday and Friday." Oh, the humanity!
Joan Collins: The play's the thing
The Connecticut Post sheds a little light on Joan Collins and her one-woman show, as well as her career in general. "We were very successful and had very big ratings," she says of "Dynasty," where she was, of course, Alexis Carrington Colby whatever, "but the ABC brass always hated the show ... one executive once said 'Dynasty' is like a witch ... we'll have to put a stake through its heart to get rid of it.'" Collins is also taking on a new project in the latest Miss Marple series. The U.K.'s Daily Mail has more.
We had to laugh
That Zachary Quinto. Not only is he wonderfully dastardly as the villain Sylar on NBC's "Heroes," and not only is he absolutely beyond smashing as the young Spock in the early press photos in next year's "Star Trek" prequel movie, but he's oh-so quick with the ready answer. The TV Guide Channel spoke with Quinto at the premiere party for "Heroes," as the question "Who shot Nathan Petrelli" hung in the air. "I think J.R. Ewing did it," he quipped. So cute.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Amazon offers up single servings of "The Dukes"
And when we think of the great classic stuff, what can we think of but "The Dukes of Hazzard."
This is mighty convenient, BRBTV has to say, if you just want to view a particular episode or two of a show and don't want to buy the whole DVD set of a season. The other free sites are great, but they don't cover every episode of the show, for logistics' sake, of course.
BRBTV News Blog Blip: Speaking of the Batman shows, your opportunity to immerse yourself in the earlier stuff arrives this Saturday with Boomerang's special all-day event featuring the "Super Friends" shows. Comics2Film has more.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Chip Foose Braselton Bash: Part 2
You know it wouldn't be a car show without the Gran Torino from "Starsky and Hutch," right?
Also on show at the show was the special Burt Reynolds edition of the "Smokey and the Bandit" Trans Am, built by Year One themselves -- and in a very limited production. We can just picture "Smokey" fans -- which cross over, generally, with "The Dukes" -- goin' crazy over this one.
Photos by Billie Rae Bates / BRBTV
Monday, September 22, 2008
Chip Foose Braselton Bash: Some blazin' orange "01" presence, for sure
This past weekend saw the Chip Foose Braselton Bash presented by Year One at its Braselton, Georgia, headquarters. The event, named for automotive design guru and TV star Chip Foose, benefits the Progeria Research Foundation, an organization dedicated to discovering the cure for Progeria, a fatal, "rapid aging" disease that afflicts children causing death of heart disease at an average age of 13.
BRBTV was there on Saturday, as a guest of Mr. Marvin Murphy, the Florida resident who has completely restored the car affectionately dubbed Lee 1 (see our November 13, 2006 post). Above, you see Marvin chatting with show attendees next to the car. This is the first and likely only appearance the car will make in 2008.
"I have nothing planned for it," Marvin told us when we asked what kind of shows the car's done since its splashy debut in Covington two years ago and its follow-up the next month in Indianapolis. "It probably won't go anywhere else until it's sold."
Sold? Yes, indeed! "It is for sale," Marvin affirms. "I bought it and fixed it up with the intention of selling it for the show's 30th anniversary." The series, which featured the car in its historic jump at Oxford College filmed in November 1978, debuted in January 1979.
"It will sell for seven figures," Marvin says of the car. "I wouldn't be at all surprised if it sells to someone out of the country."
Marvin also had as his guest Mr. Don Schisler, original transportation director for "The Dukes of Hazzard," shown with Marvin in the photo below. As noted in posts on this very blog, Schisler had a very special role in history of "The Dukes."
Tomorrow: Part 2 of our special coverage of the Chip Foose Braselton Bash.
Photos by Billie Rae Bates / BRBTV
Copying with credit is OK; a link would be grand
Friday, September 19, 2008
Archie has a spooktacular time in store this Halloween

In the 60-plus years that Archie Comics have been published, Archie and his friends have commemorated the holidays time and time again. Countless stories featuring the gang involved in hilarious and heartwarming tales revolving around Valentine’s Day, Thanksgiving, and especially Christmas have peppered the pages of Archie Comics, much to the delight of readers.
One holiday that is a mainstay of Archie Comics is Halloween. Kids love to dress up in costumes and have masquerade parties, and Archie and his friends are no exceptions. Time and time again their Halloween hijinx have led to hilarity. And sometimes they even met real monsters, as in the pages of “Archie’s Madhouse” and “Bats!”
This fall, the Riverdale teens are at it again. Don’t miss the spooky fun!
BETTY & VERONICA SPECTACULAR #85, ships 9/10. 32-page, full-color comic, $2.25 U.S. SPECIAL HALLOWEEN ISSUE! “An Axe to Grind”: It’s a dark and stormy night … a fitting night for Betty and Veronica to stay inside and have a scary movie festival! But things go from “reel” to real when Archie, Jughead and Reggie try to crash the girl’s private party … and come face-to-face with an axe-wielding maniac! Is everything as it seems, or is it just a case of the boys’ imaginations running wild? Guest-starring Veronica’s truck driving aunt, Tessie! SCRIPT AND ART: Dan Parent.
TALES FROM RIVERDALE DIGEST #30, ships 9/24. Full-color digest format, $2.49 U.S. “For Monsters Only”: Can it be true? Have Archie and Jughead really stumbled into a Halloween party where the guests are not in costume but are actual, real-live monsters? Find out for yourself if this tale is a “trick” or a “treat!” SCRIPT: George Gladir. ART: Fernando Ruiz. “The Promise”: Mr. Weatherbee promises to perform as a clown if the students improve their reading averages, leading some to ask, “what else is new?!” SCRIPT: George Gladir. ART: Pat Kennedy. PLUS: Other new and classic tales! SCRIPT AND ART: Various talents. BONUS: Puzzles, games and pin-ups!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Tom Wopat's "Chicago" gig generates some press, which also has a nice cred page for Wopat (with photos!), has the coverage, as does Playbill and several others. You can also learn more about the production from its official site,
Robin Wright Penn, meanwhile, has been generating buzz for her role in what is not-so-affectionately been dubbed "the Dakota Fanning rape movie," "Hounddog." Our own Kelly Capwell of "Santa Barbara" was at the movie's premiere with its other stars in the Big Apple the other night. See some photos of our lovely star here.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Indeed, George Hamilton doesn't mind if he does

To us, of course, the subject, Mr. George Hamilton, is Joel Abrigore -- taunter of Krystle Carrington on "Dynasty."
Hamilton's book, "Don't Mind if I Do," is a memoir, helped along by writer William Stadiem and officially releasing on October 14 but already selling at Amazon
Hamilton has some California, New Jersey and Arkansas locales booked for signings next month.
"With a front row seat for classic Hollywood's biggest secrets and scandals, George has the intelligence, heart, and unflappable spirit to tell his story, and the story of Tinseltown's heyday, with great good humor and delicious candor -- as only he can," Simon & Schuster says in its official materials for he book. "The world is Hamilton's oyster, and this ultimate insider is ready to share it with us."
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Bits 'n' Pieces: A smidgen of "Dallas" and "Dynasty"
"Poison Dwarf"? Yes, we've heard it before, but c'mon, that's a little strong, don'tcha think? Our own Charlene Tilton, lovely little Lucy of "Dallas," joins a pantomime show at the Kings Theatre in Southsea, U.K. The show begins December 10, as reported by The Portsmouth News. But that's not all -- Tilton is also appearing at the Las Vegas BikeFest next month. She'll be appearing at the Branscombe Richmond and the Renegade All Stars concert at the Fiesta Rancho Hotel on Friday, October 3. Check the BikeFest's site for details.
Vote "Dallas" for the Emmy broadcast
The folks behind the 60th Primetime Emmy Awards broadcast, coming up this Sunday, want to know what you think is TV's most memorable moment. Are we at all surprised that the moment J.R. gets shot on "Dallas" is among the offerings, since the moment when his shooter is revealed in the following season still rates so high in viewership? Run, don't walk, to the ABC's Emmy Awards page to cast your vote. And be warned ... among the other choices is the very tempting moment when Joan Collins' character gets iced in that landmark vintage "Star Trek" episode "City on the Edge of Forever." Then there's the gut-kicking moment when Pa has to tell Mary she's going blind on "Little House on the Prairie." Geesh ... just drag us behind a pickup truck, why don't ya?????
"Dynasty" assistance, pleeeez
Soap causes wrinkles? Gosh, if we'd only known! At least so says Margaret Long, executive assistant for Aaron Spelling during his "Dynasty" years. The Glen St. Mary, Fla., Home Town Journal pays tribute.
Monday, September 15, 2008
John Schneider keeps things moving with email newsletter
Oh, and then there was that whole DukesFest thing. So what about next year? Will there be one, all "Dukes" fans are wondering? Schneider isn't saying, just yet.
But the big news of this email release, perhaps, is his brand-new website, located at a new domain name as well: You'll find a DukesFest store, news on appearances like the upcoming Chiller Theatre (see our August 20 post), a new online store with some items even half off, a link to his eBay offerings and more. The site was created by big-time "Dukes" fan Scott Romine of the Confederate General Lee Fan Club.
While we weren't looking, meanwhile, some new projects popped up for Schneider:
- Everybody Says Goodbye: The Story of a Father and Son (2008): John Litgown
- Bleachers (2008): Mr. Simmons
- The Rebound (2009): Trevor
- The Gods of Circumstance (2009): Mick Jeremiah
- Holyman Undercover (2008): Satan
- Set Apart (2008): Pastor John Gunn (quite a switch from the above!)
- Conjurer (2008): Frank Higgins
(OK, when was the last time we checked? Yesterday? No, that's a joke ...) We'll try to dig into some of these projects for future posts. If we have the time, that is.
Friday, September 12, 2008
David Baker: His props are a little more dangerous than martini glasses, these days
You might recall Baker on "SB," and then again, you might not. His role was not exactly high-profile, but he was there, alright. He was Dave the bartender at Eden Castillo's fabulous Orient Express restaurant and bar. And while he stood at his post, faithful and true, serving it up to our "SB" characters, he found a good way to get the bills paid.
"Basically, I was involved with the show over a six- or seven-month period," he tells us, though some of that was voiceover work. "I did voiceovers for 'The Young and the Restless,' too. I was the voice of the pilot on the plane, the voice of the bad guy on the other end of the phone ... the speaker at the police department, all that kind of stuff. Those are the best gigs. You get paid for a whole day, and you spend 15 minutes in a booth. Record your stuff and go home."
One of Baker's other screen creds was our beloved "The Colbys," where he was Angelo, the stable hand. But alas, his 1985 role on the primetime soap was short-lived.
"I was supposed to be Emma Samms' love interest," he says, "and after the second episode that I did, Emma did a forward flip off the horse she was riding and landed on the battery pack for her mike. They decided no more horses, at that point. My character went with the horses. Loaded me right on the trailer and sent me home," he jokes.
But it was not a bad thing, really. Because Baker has made a career for himself behind the camera. His business is related, on a certain level, to what his neighbor Anthony De Longis does. Where De Longis teaches actors the finer arts of, say, wielding the sword or the whip, Baker is the one who actually supplies that weaponry.
Baker's Hollywood Combat Center is a full-service prop fabrication company specializing in historical bladed weapons. Eastern swords, broadswords, knives, rapiers, sabers, cutlasses ... Baker supplies them all. How did he get into that kind of specialty business?
"I started that around 1990, making equipment," he says. "I flipped sides on the camera and started working behind the camera instead of in front of the camera. In the late '80s the CD-ROM video games became very popular. I did a lot of those, and all kinds of odd mechanical specialty props, science-fiction stuff. Then I just started branching out, doing set design, set building. The whole time, I'd been an addict for swords, teaching actors how to use them. Then it became lucrative to sell them for the actors to use. It's great when a passion turns into a way to make a living. I don't have too many complaints about it."
Very cool.
You can read our complete interview with David Baker in the next update to the "Send Me to Santa Barbara" reference e-book.
And look for more interviews here soon. We've got a couple other "SB" cast members in our sights ...
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Archie Comics goes back to school this month

Not to be outdone, here comes September. As Archie and his friends go back to school, so do Archie Comics readers, leaving behind those carefree days of summer to get back into a regular routine. But that doesn’t mean things have to be less exciting! To prove that point, Archie Comics continues to deliver stories that are sure to get kids talking at their lockers each morning! The excitement promises to last through the fall, and gets off to a rollicking start with these engrossing issues shipping in September.
ARCHIE & FRIENDS #123, 32-page, full-color comic, $2.25 U.S. “A Tune in Tinsel Town ”: Now that the smoke has cleared and all the bad guys have been dispatched, Archie and his friends can finally concentrate on the film deal that brought them to Hollywood in the first place. Citing the Archie band’s popularity and the high profile of their adventures in Europe and Africa, a big-time Hollywood producer is certain the teens’ notoriety will translate to box office gold and plans to star them in a series of movies called “Mayhem Musical High.” Now that they’ve saved half of Hollywood ’s biggest stars, the kids are even hotter properties! Along with that red-hotness comes offers of solo contracts for the players. Will visions of individual fame and fortune strike a sour chord with the band, or can the Archies’ love of music and friendship ultimately overcome ego and greed? SCRIPT: Alex Simmons. ART/COVER: Fernando Ruiz (pencils) and Jim Amash (inks).
BETTY & VERONICA DOUBLE DIGEST #164, full-color digest format, $3.69 U.S. PART 4 OF A 5-PART, INTERACTIVE STORY WHERE THE READERS DECIDE THE OUTCOME! “And the Winner Is… Part 4 of 5”: 2008 is an election year, and Archie Comics is no exception as we present a special election of our own: your chance to vote for Cheryl Blossom’s new boyfriend! Three issues ago, Reggie and Cheryl broke up, and Cheryl wound up on the TV show, “The Lonely Hearts Club” in search of a new beau. Three hot contestants stepped up for the challenge, and you the reader will witness each of their dates with Cheryl and vote for who you think Cheryl should choose online at! This issue, Cheryl goes on her final date, with master chef, George. George really knows how to heat things up, both in and out of the kitchen. Can Cheryl handle the competition from all the culinary school cuties lining up for cooking lessons? Not to mention Jughead, who wants to monopolize her man for endless meals? Your vote decides whether George is the main entrée or merely an appetizer. Don’t miss this pivotal issue leading up to the final chapter where your votes… and Cheryl’s final choice for new leading man… will be revealed! SCRIPT AND ART: Dan Parent. PLUS: Other new and classic tales! SCRIPT AND ART: Various talents. BONUS: Puzzles, games and pin-ups!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Coming up in Archie Comics
"Freshman Year: Winter Term": In the tradition of
"Batman: Year One,"
"Superman: the Man of Steel" and the Marvel Ultimates comes the biggest Archie Comics event since the
"Love Showdown!" The third full-length issue of the
"Freshman Year" saga finds Archie reflecting on the term just past, pining over Veronica and lamenting how she went away during the holiday break. Hoping to stay close to Veronica, Archie joins the drama club – the perfect indoor activity during the frosty winter months. But being part of such a large club is hardly the way to gain exclusive quality time with Veronica. Will their reunion be everything Archie hopes, or will the eternal love triangle get off to a rollicking start with friction between Betty and Veronica instead? And will Moose ever be introduced to Midge? Other surprises in store for the gang this second term include some new faculty members as well as the departure of the expelled school bully, Jared McGerk. It’s the funniest first year of high school ever, courtesy of fan-favorite writer Batton Lash of
"Wolff & Byrd" and
"Archie Meets the Punisher" fame, along with
"Scrapyard Detectives" creator and popular Archie artist/writer Bill Galvan.
SCRIPT: Batton Lash.
ART: Bill Galvan.
On sale on newsstands: October 7, 2008
32-recycled pages, full-color comic
$2.25 U.S.
"A Tune in Tinsel Town": Now that the smoke has cleared and all the bad guys have been dispatched, Archie and his friends can finally concentrate on the film deal that brought them to Hollywood in the first place. Citing the Archie’s popularity and the high profile of their adventures in Europe and Africa, a big-time Hollywood producer is certain the teens’ notoriety will translate to box office gold and plans to star them in a series of movies called
"Mayhem Musical High." Now that they’ve saved half of Hollywood’s biggest stars (see issue 122), the kids are even hotter properties! Along with that red-hotness comes offers of solo contracts for the players. Will visions of individual fame and fortune strike a sour chord with the band, or can the Archies’ love of music and friendship ultimately overcome ego and greed?
SCRIPT: Alex Simmons.
ART/COVER: Fernando Ruiz (pencils) and Jim Amash (inks).
On sale on newsstands: September 23, 2008
32-page, full-color comic
$2.25 U.S.
"Video Idiocy": Archie’s latest scheme to make spending cash: have Jughead video his constant klutziness to enter in TV home video competitions!
SCRIPT: George Gladir.
ART: Pat Kennedy.
"The Prince of Green": Archie learns the hard way that you have to expend personal energy to conserve the world’s energy!
SCRIPT: George Gladir.
ART: Pat Kennedy.
"Fits Like a Glove":
A brand-new Little Archie tale by Bob Bolling! This latest Little Archie adventure has all the hallmarks of his classic tales, with a modern ecological twist. Can Little Archie and his friends keep both the Animal Rescue Foundation headquarters and their own clubhouse from being torn down? Not before some hair-raising adventures, including an unplanned ride down the roaring rapids!
SCRIPT AND ART: Bob Bolling.
PLUS: Other new and classic tales!
SCRIPT AND ART: Various talents.
BONUS: Puzzles, games and pin-ups!
On sale on newsstands: October 7, 2008
Full-color digest format
$3.69 U.S.
BETTY #176
"The Many Charms of Luck": For someone who claims not to be superstitious, Betty sure has a lot of good luck charms!
SCRIPT: George Gladir.
ART: Stan Goldberg.
"Fitness Quiz": Betty learns the secret of her mother’s physical fitness: being a housewife!
SCRIPT: Mike Pellowski.
ART: Stan Goldberg.
"Breath Taking": Everyone loves how Betty’s new cheese dip goes down… it’s just the halitosis aftermath they can do without!
SCRIPT: Bill Golliher.
ART: Stan Goldberg.
"Wedding Blistered": Attending her cousin’s wedding gives Betty an opportunity to observe several married couples… and witness the "good times and bad" firsthand!
SCRIPT: Mike Pellowski.
ART: Stan Goldberg.
On sale on newsstands: October 14, 2008
32-page, full-color comic
$2.25 U.S.
"An Axe to Grind": It’s a dark and stormy night… a fitting night for Betty and Veronica to stay inside and have a scary movie festival! But things go from
"reel" to real when Archie, Jughead and Reggie try to crash the girls’ private party… and come face-to-face with an axe-wielding maniac! Is everything as it seems, or is it just a case of the boys’ imaginations running wild? Guest-starring Veronica’s truck driving-aunt, Tessie!
On sale on newsstands: September 30, 2008
32-page, full-color comic
$2.25 U.S.
"And the Winner Is… Part 4 of 5": 2008 is an election year, and Archie Comics is no exception as we present a special election of our own: your chance to vote for Cheryl Blossom’s new boyfriend! Three issues ago, Reggie and Cheryl broke up, and Cheryl wound up on the TV show,
"The Lonely Hearts Club" in search of a new beau. Three hot contestants stepped up for the challenge, and you the reader will witness each of their dates with Cheryl and vote for who you think Cheryl should choose online at! This issue, Cheryl goes on her final date with master chef George. George really knows how to heat things up, both in and out of the kitchen. Can Cheryl handle the competition from all the culinary school cuties lining up for cooking lessons? Not to mention Jughead, who wants to monopolize her man for endless meals? Your vote decides whether George is the main entrée or merely an appetizer. Don’t miss this pivotal issue leading up to the final chapter where your votes… and Cheryl’s final choice for new leading man… will be revealed! SCRIPT AND ART: Dan Parent.
"Tired & Re-Tired": Betty and Veronica’s day is full of activities, but they refuse to be tired until they’re REALLY tired!
SCRIPT: Mike Pellowski.
ART: Tim Kennedy.
"Bionic Babes": Betty and Veronica fantasize about what it would be like to be stronger… faster… better than before!
SCRIPT: Mike Pellowski.
ART: Pat Kennedy.
PLUS: Other new and classic tales!
SCRIPT AND ART: Various talents.
BONUS: Puzzles, games and pin-ups!
On sale on newsstands: September 23, 2008
Full-color digest format
$3.69 U.S.
"The Show Stopper": Jughead decides to try community theater – but is the community ready to try Jughead’s brand of theater?
"Juggie’s Utility Belt!": With his
"food utility belt," Jughead is ready for any emergency craving!
"Cart Smart": When Jughead goes to the grocery store, is he a kid in a candy shop or a bull in a china shop? You decide!
SCRIPTS: Craig Boldman.
ART: Stan Goldberg.
On sale on newsstands: October 7, 2008
32-page, full-color comic
$2.25 U.S.
"Break-up Blues, Part I": First came Betty and Veronica’s
"Bad Boy Trouble," followed by Jughead dealing with a bunch of
"Matchmakers." Now, the latest story to portray the famous Riverdale teens in a realistic style is here… and it may spell the end of one of the longest-running romances in Archie Comics history! Feeling confined by Moose’s possessive nature, Midge decides to try an experiment – namely, dating Reggie! We all know this will make Moose fly off the handle, but this time it won’t have an
"all’s well that ends well" resolution. Can Archie and his friends help pick up the pieces of this shattered relationship, or is it better to leave them where they lay? 2007’s
"Bad Boy Trouble" set the comics world on its ear as the teens were depicted in a realistic style. This year’s
"Matchmakers" continued the look and kept people talking. Now veteran penciller Tod Smith and journeyman inker Al Milgrom carry on that look in what is sure to be the most explosive Archie Comics story of the year!
SCRIPT: Melanie J. Morgan.
ART: Tod Smith (pencils) and Al Milgrom (inks).
PLUS: Other new and classic tales!
SCRIPT AND ART: Various talents.
BONUS: Puzzles, games and pin-ups!
On sale on newsstands: October 14, 2008
Full-color digest format
$3.69 U.S.
"For Monsters Only": Can it be true? Have Archie and Jughead really stumbled into a Halloween party where the guests are not in costume but are actual, real-live monsters? Find out for yourself if this tale is a
"trick" or a
SCRIPT: George Gladir.
ART: Fernando Ruiz.
"The Pies Have It": Move over, Gordon – it’s a real
"kitchen nightmare" when cafeteria cook Miss Beazly loses a ring in a pot pie!
SCRIPT: Bill Golliher.
ART: Bob Bolling.
"The Promise": Mr. Weatherbee promises to perform as a clown if the students improve their reading averages, leading some to ask,
"What else is new?!"
SCRIPT: George Gladir.
ART: Pat Kennedy. PLUS: Other new and classic tales! SCRIPT AND
ART: Various talents. BONUS: Puzzles, games and pin-ups!
On sale on newsstands: October 14, 2008
Full-color digest format
$2.49 U.S.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Jason Marsden knows the combination of "Locker 13"
Having said that, what does Jason Marsden -- the real, honest-to-goodness, former-member-of-TGIF Jason Marsden -- mean to us? For one thing, he's done a whole lotta TV in his mere 33 years (such a pup!). He's also done quite a lot of BRBTV.
Spunky Spencer on the "Batman: The Animated Series" episode "Baby-Doll." The teen Clark Kent in the ensuing "Superman" animated series. Donny Grasso in the "Batman Beyond" episode "Hooked Up." Snapper Carr on the further animated spinoff "Justice League." Even the role of Firefly in the newer "The Batman." Plus, a lot-o Disney stuff over the years. He is part of the family, after all.
But more importantly, what is Jason Marsden doing lately? Well, "Locker 13," actually. And he even helped write the screenplay for this seven-vignette anthology film.
Drawing on Jon Polito, "Silver Spoons" alum Rick Schroder, "Moonlighting" star Curtis Armstrong (who also did a voice on "Batman Beyond") and Tatyana Ali, "Locker 13" connects the seven stories to a mysterious locker 13. Schroder will share directing responsibilities, along with Marsden.
Learn more about the film at its official site.
BRBTV News Blog Blip: We reported over a month ago about A Martinez' new role on "One Life to Live." Zap2It and the Brantford Expositor have a little more on that. Our former Cruz Castillo of "Santa Barbara" begins his new role tomorrow.
Monday, September 08, 2008
Who's working for the new TV season? A rundown
Ed Begley Jr.
(Dr. Peter Corso on the "Batman Beyond" episode "April Moon"; Germs and Charlie Michael Collins on "Batman: The Animated Series")
Portraying Walter Krandall on "Gary Unmarried" on CBS.
Ron Perlman
(Clayface on "Batman: The Animated Series" and "Justice League"; Jax-Ur on the animated "Superman")
Taking the title role in "Hellboy Animated: The Phantom Claw."
Portraying Clay Morrow in "Sons of Anarchy" on f/X.
Ted McGinley
(Clay Fallmont on "Dynasty"; Tom Turbine and Burns on "Justice League")
Competing on ABC's "Dancing With the Stars."
Susan Lucci
(Hillary Taylor / Sheila Foley on "Dallas")
Competing on ABC's "Dancing With the Stars."
Kevin Michael Richardson
(Several voices in "Batman Beyond" and "Justice League"; Carlton Duquesne in the "Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman" movie)
Voicing Lester in Fox's midseason "The Cleveland Show."
Amy Acker
(Huntress in "Justice League")
Portraying Dr. Claire Saunders in Fox's midseason "Dollhouse."
Ian McShane
(Don Lockwood of "Dallas")
Portraying King Silas on NBC's midseason "Kings."
BRBTV News Blog Blip: Joan Collins, meanwhile, has her own new gig. Our former Alexis Colby, who on "Dynasty" was also involved in the newspaper biz, is penning a new column in the Sunday Telegraph in the U.K. She had been doing some writing for one of the Telegraph's holdings, the Spectator, and, of course, is a novelist.
Friday, September 05, 2008
Anthony De Longis: He was on daytime soap? Really?

Swordmaster. Whipmaster. Expert horseman. Professional weapons instructor. Stunt coordinator. Fight director. .... Oh ... did we mention actor, too?
"One of the things that's hardest on most actors," De Longis tells us, "is how do you stay busy? What do you do between roles? I say, learn something, because the more knoweldge you have, the more uses you have."
Teaching Michelle Pfeiffer how to use a whip with ease for her role as Catwoman in 1992's "Batman Returns." Choreographing Anjelica Huston in 1995's "Buffalo Girls." Serving as a swordmaster in "Secondhand Lions" in 2003. Training Harrison Ford on his 10-foot leather bullwhip for this year's "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull." And amazingly enough, amid De Longis' expert action work on these projects, he still tends to get a little action in front of the camera, too. (Can you believe he also played a scary clown in "Batman Returns"?)
"My point being, I like to stay proactive," he says. "Quite often, I get as much worth coming in and helping other actors tell a story with action as I do getting acting roles myself. Instead of getting frustrated of being between roles, I try to embrace it."
Besides his dips into the daytime soaps world (he was on "Days of Our Lives," too), forays that seem almost ludicrous but for the fact that our Leo Mitchell was, after all, a pretty action-packed menacing guy, De Longis has ventured into the sci-fi genre, with roles on "Babylon 5," "Star Trek: Voyager" (a key Kazon role that was extended for his talent) and "Battlestar Galactica," for instance. His IMDb resume is extensive, dating back to the late '60s, and his own official resume makes this extensive picture even clearer.
"When I first started as an actor," he says, "I wasn't particularly adept physically. I said, I'm an actor, I need to develop more skills, more comfort physically. To me action is dialogue with movement, as opposed to words. I often tell people, you don't have to give me a lot of words. If you're telling your character's story, quite often the person who says the least in the scene is the one the audience watches the closest. I'm not the kind of actor who runs through a script and sees how many lines I have. It's nice, but that's not the be-all and end-all."
Quite a lot for the bad guy killed on the beach by our Laura Asher. (And he'd worked with Christopher Norris before, by the way, on an episode of "Trapper John, M.D.," the very first role he ever used an accent in -- Australian.)
De Longis just finished the film "Double Duty," which is in postproduction and also features Tom Sizemore and Connie Stevens -- along with Ismael "East" Carlo, another "SB" alum as Rueben Andrade. The History Channel is going to tape him at the end of this month for their show "Extreme Marksmen" (you mean they haven't until now?). He's got an article about the bullwhip coming out in Black Belt magazine at the end of this year. And he's appearing in a new TV series with Christian Kane, whom he worked with on "Secondhand Lions."
"He just called me up a couple weeks ago," De Longis says. "He has a new series called 'Leverage.' There's a big fight sequence for introducing his character. So he said, 'I want to get Anthony in here for this.' We put together this incredible fight in the kitchen that gives him all the credibility he could want, and we put it together in about a half an hour. We shoot the whole thing as a master. We did it start to finish every time we did it."
So is that enough, for a guy with such a broad wealth of experience? Keeping the acting resume and stunt instruction building? Well, no, not really enough ... He and his wife Mary also operate Rancho Indalo, atop one of the foothills of the Angeles Mountains in southern California, where they offer the adventure of a lifetime to anyone who's interested in a little safe shooting, a little instruction with the whip, a little training with the sword.
"We're now offering our 'Train to be Your Favorite Action Hero' Rancho Indalo curriculum," the ranch's materials say, "which embraces our favorite characters and genres including whip action like Indiana Jones and Catwoman, swashbuckling swordsmen like Zorro and D’Artagnan (sabers, rapier and dagger, small sword), broadsword- and axe-wielding heroes like Conan, archers like Robin Hood, Green Arrow and 'Lord of the Rings,' pistol and shotgun-toting western icons like Wyatt Earp, Doc Holiday, Calamity Jane, Annie Oakley and the Lone Ranger (on our live fire on-site pistol and shotgun range) and knife and tomahawk throwing like 'V' and 'Last of the Mohicans.'"
Ummm ... sign us up!
"We afford people the opportunity to come in from around the world, really, and stay at the ranch," De Longis says. "We have opened this up to the general public, people who've had a dream and never had a chance. If you want to be pampered, go to a hotel, but if you want an action-adventure, come and see us. We're four miles from the freeway; we're an hour from anywhere in L.A."
You can keep up with De Longis ever-evolving career at his official site,, where you can see many of his career headshots and stills, and you can view videos of his action work.
And you can find BRBTV's complete interview with De Longis in the next edition of the equally ever-evolving reference guide "Send Me to Santa Barbara."
Next Friday: We talk with another "SB" star who's got a great behind-the-scenes career going these days!
Thursday, September 04, 2008
"Santa Barbara" stars hit the big screen
The story centers around an at-risk teen at a rural New Mexico high school. Martinez plays Sergio Garcia. Read more about "Becoming Eduardo" at its official site (where you can find Martinez in the movie's trailer and some nice stills) and through this press release.
Elsewhere in the "Santa Barbara" cast, meanwhile, Martinez's on-screen father, Henry Darrow, and Bridgette Wilson have new projects.
"From Bubba with Love" is a comedy classified as in postproduction. Darrow portrays Alejandro in the movie, written and directed by John Carcieri.
The plotline from the IMDb: "Good ol' boy Bubba Caswell is hopelessly in love with Ginny, the prettiest girl in Mocksboro, North Carolina. While preparing to propose marriage, a single lapse in judgment lands Bubba in the state penitentiary. Upon his release six years later, Bubba finds that everything has changed." Learn more about the film via this YouTube video.
Wilson, meanwhile, just completed "Phantom Punch," the story of heavyweight boxing champ Sonny Liston. She portrays Farah in the film, directed by Robert Townsend and written by Ryan Combs. Ving Rhames has the title role. Learn more at the film's official site.
Coming tomorrow: A special "SB" interview
Why stop with a few movie project updates? BRBTV had two other cast members of "SB" on the phone earlier this week, as research for the next edition of the "Send Me to Santa Barbara" reference guide, and we'll run excerpts from those interviews for the next two Fridays. These are two cast members we've never spoken to before, and both are leading successful Hollywood careers behind the scenes these days! The first interview is tomorrow, so c'mon back ...
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Bat-animated series voice actors have lots of new projects going on
"Conan: Red Nails" is an animated movie following the continuing tales of the strongman Conan of Cimmeria. Ron Perlman, who voiced Clayface in "B: TAS," gets the title role in this one. He's joined by Hamill, as Tolkemec, and Cree Summer, who voiced Max in "Batman Beyond," as Valeria. Clancy Brown, the voice of Lex Luthor in the various Bat-animated series as well as Big-Time in "Batman Beyond" and Mr. Freeze in the newer "The Batman," is Olmec.
Part of the movie's plotline, from its official site: "After a brutal war in the evil land of Stygia, Conan crosses harsh desert and trackless jungle with Valeria, a blonde, sexy and very dangerous buccaneer. Together, they stumble across Xuchotl, a fabulous lost city rising from the burning sands -- where no city should ever exist. Even more ominous is the creature guarding the city's black walls: a huge, monstrous dragon resurrected from ancient bones." The story was originally published in the pulp magazine Weird Tales in 1936.
"Spawn: The Animation" is a TV series that has been in development for four years. It reunites Hamill, Brown and Summer from the above project, and it adds in Jon Polito, who voiced the Major in the "Batman Beyond" episode "Betrayal," and Michael Jai White, the voice of Doomsday in the "Superman" animated series. "Spawn" creator Todd McFarlane serves as an executive producer. You can learn a little more about it at the Spawn site.
"The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon" is a video game and another project in development for Hamill. He voices Malefor the Dark Master and is joined by Gary Oldman, Christina Ricci, Wayne Bradey and Elijah Wood. Learn more at the game's official site.
BRBTV News Blog Blip: Fredric Lehne, who no doubt had a great time terrorizing Lucy Ewing as Eddie Cronin on "Dallas," has a con appearance coming up. He'll meet-and-greet at the EyeCon celebrity autograph convention in Orlando, Florida, on September 26-28, for his role on the CW's "Supernatural."
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Archie prequel "Freshman Year" continues this month

It all began in Archie & Friends #587 with a poignant prologue called “The Summer Before,” exploring how the famous friends who just graduated junior high would deal with their pending positions as high school seniors. Then, in issue #588’s “Freshman Year: Fall Semester,” Archie and his friends started the fall semester of their first high school year. Having survived a summer that saw the departure of Jughead and bickering parents, the gang arrived at high school … to find elementary school Principal Mr. Weatherbee had now become the high school principal! A whole new crowd of friends and foes were introduced to the gang that issue, and Pop Tate’s was firmly established as their hangout numero uno.
Now comes issue #589, which brings the teenage friends to their “Freshman Year: Winter Semester.” Hoping to stay close to Veronica, Archie joins the drama club – the perfect indoor activity during the frosty winter months. But being part of such a large club is hardly the way to gain exclusive quality time with Veronica. With Betty around, you can be sure there will be plenty of love triangle friction to go around! And will Moose ever be introduced to Midge? Other surprises in store for the gang this second semester include some new faculty members as well as the departure of the expelled school bully, Jared McGerk. It’s the funniest first year of high school ever!
This special storyline is brought to you by none other than fan-favorite writer Batton Lash. No stranger to Archie Comics, the famed writer of the “Wolff & Byrd” series turned the comic industry upside down in 1994 when he penned the unlikely Archie/Marvel crossover comic, “Archie Meets the Punisher.” Many thought it would never work, but Batton’s ingenious script won over even the toughest skeptics, and the comic wound up being not only one of Archie’s biggest-selling issues ever, but also one of the most highly-acclaimed. Batton returned the following year with another well-received story arc appearing across several Archie titles. The “House of Riverdale” was a loving tribute to the type of serio-comic, spooky mysteries so prevalent in the vintage “Life with Archie” series. Handling the art chores is “Scrapyard Detectives” creator and popular Archie artist/writer Bill Galvan. This is one “year” you can’t afford to miss!
ARCHIE #589, ships 9/17
Monday, September 01, 2008
BRBTV birthdays in September ... and a peek at Dragon*Con
- Leonard Katzman, the mastermind behind the Ewings of "Dallas," was born on September 2, 1927 and died on September 5, 1996.
- Annabel Schofield, who played Laurel Ellis on "Dallas," turns 45 on September 4.
- Roberta Weiss / Bizeau, the too-hot-to-handle Flame Beaufort of "Santa Barbara," turns the big 5-0 (bet she still looks beautiful!) on September 5.
- Sarah Cunningham, our stalwart Maggie Monahan on "Dallas," was born on September 8, 1918 and died on March 24, 1986.
- Tom Wopat, our own Luke Duke of "The Dukes of Hazzard," turns 57 on September 9.
- Constance Marie, who played Nikki Alvarez on "SB," has a birthday on September 9, as well, turning 43.
- Linda Gray, the unforgettable Sue Ellen Ewing of "Dallas," turns 68 on September 12.
- Mary Crosby, Gray's on-screen baby sister Kristin Shepard, turns 49 on September 14.
- Michael Reaves, writer for "Batman: The Animated Series," turns 58 on September 14.
- Henry Darrow, a BRBTV quadruple-shot who played Cruz Castillo's father Rafael on "Santa Barbara," showed up on an episode of "Dynasty" and the "Dukes of Hazzard" spinoff "Enos," and portrayed Garcia on "Dallas" in 1983, turns 75 on September 15.
- Janis Paige, the lovely second Minx Lockridge on "SB," turns 86 on September 16.
- Kimberly McArthur, who was the second Kelly Capwell on "SB," turns 46 on September 16.
- Morgan Woodward, who was Punk Anderson on "Dallas" and also made a couple guest appearances on "The Dukes of Hazzard" (including one that was a tribute to his appearance in the classic film "Cool Hand Luke"), has a birthday on September 16, as well, turning 83.
- Shalane McCall, our young Charlie Wade on "Dallas," is our final September 16 birthday, remaining so young at just 36.
- Roddy McDowall, who voiced Dr. Jervis Tetch / the Mad Hatter on "Batman: The Animated Series," was born on September 17, 1928 and died on October 3, 1998.
- Ross Kettle, the quite European Jeffrey Conrad on "Santa Barbara," turns 47 on September 19.
- Paul Williams, who voiced Penguin on "Batman: The Animated Series" and "The New Batman Adventures," turns 68 on September 19.
- Don Starr, our own Jordan Lee of "Dallas," was born on September 20, 1917 and died on July 11, 1995.
- The unstoppable Larry Hagman, who was, of course, the unstoppable J.R. Ewing on "Dallas," and will be appearing at the much-publicized Ewing Barbecue at Southfork Ranch in a few months, turns 77 on September 21.
- Catherine Oxenberg, who played long-lost daughter Amanda Carrington on "Dynasty," turns 47 on September 22.
- Martha Scott, memorable as Patricia Shepard on "Dallas," was born on September 22, 1912 and died on May 28, 2003.
- Heather Locklear, our own Sammy Jo of "Dynasty," who voiced the character Lisa on the "Batman: The Animated Series" episode "Prophecy of Doom," turns 47 on September 25.
- Shell Danielson, who was the later Laken Lockridge on "Santa Barbara," also has a birthday on September 25, turning 46.
- Beth Toussaint, our own Tracy Lawton on "Dallas" who's married to Jack Coleman of "Dynasty," is yet another September 25 birthday, turning 46, as well.
- Bridgette Wilson, who was Lisa Fenimore on "SB," is our fourth birthday for September 25, turning such a young 35.
- Mark Hamill, the well-loved voice of the Joker in "Batman: The Animated Series," turns 57 on September 25.
- Richard Herd, our own John Mackey of "Dallas," who also portrayed Jim Ellison in a 1986 episode of "Dynasty," turns 76 on September 26.
- A Martinez, who was Cruz Castillo on "SB," will turn 60 (can you believe it?) on September 27.
- Joel Fabiani, the dashing Alex Ward on "Dallas," turns 72 on September 28.
- Steve Forrest, who was Ben Stivers / Wes Parmalee on "Dallas," turns 84 on September 29.
- Ian McShane, the handsome Don Lockwood on "Dallas," was also born on September 29, turning 66 this year.
Happy birthday to all!
My, what a big boy you are!!!!
We must admit, the last time we were at Atlanta's Dragon*Con was 1999, when we had the pleasure of meeting Don Pedro Colley, among others. My, my, my, how the event has grown! BRBTV was at the lobby of the Marriott Marquis yesterday afternoon for a meeting and had occasion to snap these quick shots ...
Now, keep in mind, as you view the first photo ... the Marriott Marquis was only one of the FOUR host hotels for the event, and this was Sunday afternoon, not Saturday ...
(We just had to get those latter two shots to capture the fact that this is quite a stunning hotel.) Wethinks we'll be doing more than just a simple one-hour meeting next year!
Photos by Billie Rae Bates / BRBTV
Copying with credit is OK; a link would be grand