Monday, November 12, 2007

Bits O' Web: The men of "SB" generate some ink

It was a heavy news weekend for the men of "Santa Barbara":

- Jack Wagner, our own final Warren Lockridge, was named No. 1 in Golf Digest's ranking of the top 100 Hollywood golfers. (And we could only be tickled pink that former "Charlie's Angel" Cheryl Ladd figured into the list at No. 68.)

- Frank Runyeon, who as Father Michael can now be seen on the Mason Chronicles at Lane Davies' official website, gave a presentation late last week at St. Stephen's Church in Streator, Illinois, titled "Hollywood vs. Faith: The struggle to live as a Christian in the age of media values."

- John O'Hurley, our own Stephen Slade, has "gone to the dogs -- and is loving it." He again hosts the National Dog Show Presented by Purina, airing after Macy's Thanksgiving Parade.

But that's not all in today's BRBTV Bits O' Web bag of tricks: He might not have spelled the name right, but we do appreciate nonetheless the reference to "The Dukes of Hazzard" and the unforgettable Boss "Hawg" by this letter writer in an Ontario publication:

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