How can you see something as cute as this and not post it? This was a quick "chase" on the event grounds over the weekend, just like old times, as if Rosco P. Coltrane and Bo and Luke Duke were behind the wheels ...

BRB was roaming the grounds, snapping a few shots of the various cars in attendance, when she saw the General that was giving rides all weekend suddenly take off, followed by you-know-who. In a flash of gravel dust and police lights, they were gone ... And that was Cousin Don in the police car, chasing Derrick in the Lee ... if you're a-wonderin' ...
What a great weekend! Special thanks again to Paul Harrington and his wife, Cheryl, and diligent work crew Jason, Mike, Kevin, Glenn and Lance, and anyone else who helped along the way. They did a great job. See y'all next year!
Photos by Billie Rae Bates / BRBTV
(You know the drill!)
wow.. great photos... that Rosco is a great driver... and I never realized he was sooo handsome!!!! LOL If ya think that chase was fun to watch... you shoulda been in 1 of the cars doing it!!LOL Especially when I was chasing 2 General Lees... with Coy Duke driving 1 of em!!LOL I will be putting more of the videos on my youtube site this week.. but here is 1 small chase for now...
and here is a link to other chases, etc I have done..
Wowzers, was that Will Rogers sitting in the car with you? Talk about voicework!
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