Ahhh ... it's another great day for our occasional "See My Lee!" feature, where we give you a glimpse of the many "Dukes of Hazzard" fans out there who own their own General Lee car ... Up today is Derrick, who lives just south of Lexington, Kentucky.
A couple things are special about Derrick and his Lee. For one thing ... well, it's not just one thing -- it's two! Derrick actually has two General Lees, which he calls "Lee 1" and "Lee 2." Shown here with Derrick is Lee 1, and these shots were taken in a theater parking lot on a very hot day in Lexington a week ago, while Lee 2 was at home (hopefully where it was cooler!). Derrick had both of his Lees at the Hair Dare Dukes Days in Ontario a couple weeks before, and he was offering folks rides in them. He also had the cars' trunk lids signed by Byron Cherry and Don Pedro Colley at the event, to add to the many other cast autographs he has.
The other special thing about this Lee owner? Well, you're lookin' at it! (That is, if you're lookin' at the photo above!) Derrick has installed a video camera in his Lee 1 to capture some great "motion pictures," so to speak. The camera was rolling at Hair Dare. Derrick filmed some great stuff with Cousin Don at the event. Here are some links:
Armed with the U.S. flag and the U.S. Marine Corps seal, this Lee is certainly a "Charger"! In fact, Derrick calls his Lees the "HARDCHARGERS."
Photos by Billie Rae Bates / BRBTV
Derrick's beautiful, blazin' orange Lees are available for parties and other special events. Just give 'im a call at (859) 329-9282, or email hrdchgr69@aol.com.
Photos by Billie Rae Bates / BRBTV
actually, those videos are mine, not derricks! lol
Cousin Don
You are so correct, Cuz. (Though Derrick was filming "with" you, of course.)
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