From Archie Comics

Now, it appears a new pair of lovebirds are hovering on the horizon: Reggie and Cheryl!
The seeds of the relationship were sown the previous month in “Love Can Be Nasty,” a tantalizing tale from BETTY & VERONICA #180. In that story, Cheryl and Reggie formed an alliance – she to figure out how to date Archie without competition from Betty and Veronica; he to date Betty and Veronica without competition from Archie.
Well, in “Be My Valentine … or Else!” from BETTY & VERONICA DIGEST #181, their scheming continues, or so it seems … Could it be possible that Cheryl and Reggie really DO want to attend the Valentine’s Day parade together? Not according to Archie, Betty and Veronica, who are convinced the duo are just using one another. But Cupid may have something else in mind! Is this the beginning of a new, bona-fide Archie Comics couple or merely a fleeting fancy? There’s only one way to find out – be sure to reserve your copy today!
“Be My Valentine … or Else!”
PLUS: Other new and classic tales, including the “animated” Sabrina!
BONUS: Puzzles, games and pin-ups!
Shipping date: January 16, 2008
On sale at comic specialty shops: January 23, 2008
On sale on newsstands: February 5, 2008
Full-color digest format
$2.49 U.S.
BRBTV News Blog note: Yes, we know ... boo-hoo-hoo, February is a heckuva long time to wait! But hey, in the world of romance, anticipation is everything! But Mr. Silberkleit, we can't believe you didn't put Cheryl on the cover of this one! Don't ya know that'll sell more issues! We know, just from how many search strings of "Cheryl Blossom" bring folks to this very blog!
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