Thursday, March 13, 2008

"Santa Barbara" writer dishes ... a little

Soaps writer Jane Atkins may have been talking about her work on shows such as our beloved "Santa Barbara," but she wasn't naming many names. Take this little tidbit, for example, as she spoke to students recently at Florida's Chipola College:

"In 'Santa Barbara' we had a super couple who ended up hating each other in real life. The actor refused to say anything nice to her."

Hmmm ...

Atkins and other writers (who, incidentally, won a Daytime Emmy in 1989 for their work on "SB") had to come up with different ways for the character to express his love, the Jackson County Floridian says, including shots of "him" typing loving messages on a computer screen, or the actress reading his love letters out loud. OK! The wheels are a-turnin' ...

Atkins, who also wrote for "Days of Our Lives" and "General Hospital," had some kinder things to say about Joe Marinelli, who played cross-dressing mobster Bunny Tagliatti (a time period now being featured, by the way, on the Mason Chronicles on Lane Davies' official website).

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